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dirty epic

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Posts posted by dirty epic

  1. Hello. My g60. Aka project do up quick. Is slowly turning into a marathon not a sprint. So with the head in bits for at least another 2 weeks. I got to contemplating re building my charger. They are pretty simple in terms of fitting. But if any one has re built their own one did you buy a kit? Or did you source the parts separately?



  2. So the reason for asking is this. See below. I am wondering weather the corrosion can be skimmed off. I have found another 8v head. But from the looks of it it has already been skimmed to the point that I'm honking of taking this one.


    Has anyone had similar troubles. And what is the max you have ever heard of being skimmed?


    Thanks again


    Sorry for the links not images. I can't re size them on my phone at work.

    http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo19 ... 1dca8d.jpg

    http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo19 ... 690e3b.jpg

  3. Hello. I took a g60 from a mate as a favour as it needed a head gasket. The head is now off and it looks like it might be the head it's self rather than the gasket. Can anyone tell me the differences between and 8v and a g60 head? As I am in need of one.



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