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Everything posted by GreenVR6

  1. Thanks very much Storm_VR6 for your posting ... duly noted & will order once I have seen condition of my current matrix. Unfortunately I have not yet had a proper chance to get to work on my Corrado. Will let you guys know once I have ! Cheers, Lee
  2. Nice one Thomas ... I have read & noted the (de)'structions - sounds quite straightforward, but I am doing it so we shall see, hopefully later this month when more free time. Cheers, Lee.
  3. Hi & Thanks Yes Please that would certainly help...due to lack of time for me at the moment my first real opportunity on this will be mid-late June so no rush for photos/your welcome post. Cheers again :) Lee
  4. Thanks guys for your help ... I will look more in to soon & when I get a bit of time will have a go at doing it myself ! KADVR6 I live in East Sussex. Cheers, Lee.
  5. Hello Everyone ... great website & what a great car the Corrado is. Well most of the time! About time I got my initial post in here too :) Unfortunately the heater matrix has gone on my 1994 VR6 :( Steamy Windows & Tina Turner come to mind ! When I had my discs & pads replaced the garage technician said the part itself is not expensive (£25 - £40?) but to replace it the whole dash has to come out. I was going to attempt it myself but he wished me good luck. Apparently can be bit of a nasty job ... So HELP, is it ....? Otherwise I have been quoted approx. 5 hours labour, may be around £300 ! Cheers, Lee Please feel free to email me on this one as well as any welcome replies here. Unfortunately I cannot access the forum at work as 'denied' ... !! Hence I would repond to email quicker, but here too when I I can. 1994 L Reg Metallic Green Corrado VR6, Black Leather (Storm spec), BBS Alloys. 160K+ mileage. Mostly FSH. Owned last 5 years (almost).
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