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Everything posted by dietztho000

  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]48756[/ATTACH] How about them bad boys? Back tires are like new and front tires have some wear on em
  2. dietztho000

    G60 parts

    I have the G charger, that was recently just rebuilt...how much is cheap though.... I can actually do everything you needs.... PM me if youre still interested.
  3. Im looking for the banjo bolts for the oil supply and return lines on the G60 charger. I need the bolt that connects the supply to the engine, the supply to the charger, and the return line to the charger. Thanks!
  4. Does anyone have a link where I could get one? Ive searched around and havent found anything
  5. Bumpy, anybody? I really need the return and supply line and bolts :/
  6. I do have a spare bike laying around, i dont know if it will be long enough... what other wire could i use to make a new one do ya think? thanks for the info guys!
  7. I cut it out of stupidity :/ But see my problem isnt I cant get it open right now, i have the hood open, i just need a replacemnet latch idea of somesort so i can easily open it after i shut it Thank you for the link!
  8. Could you maybe add a picture so I know exactly what Im looking for to be correct? Thank you very much
  9. See my problem is, i cut and removed the actual metal wire that ran through the engine bay to release the hood. So I dont think I can actually fix the clip part now. I need a whole new way of it unless I can replace the whole assembly somehow?
  10. Exactly as title says, i can put my car in any gear including reverse without having the car on or brakedownbrakes applied, is that normal? Lol
  11. My hood latch didnt work and withvout thinking too much I just cut the hood latch wire in the engine bay... Now i have noway of opening the hood in an easy fashion... I was wondering anyone else ran into this problem and came up with a clever new hood latch system? I was thinking hood pins but they are illegal for street vehicals. Anyone got any ideas?
  12. The corrado I started as a project had the g charger unhooked and not running. They bypassed it everyway they could and now Im getting her fixed. My question is, where do the feed and supple lines go? Pictures or detailed descriptions would be awesome :) Also he/she removed the lines so now I have to remake them or buy then from the wanted section. Does anyone know of a kits for it or what bolts I woukd need and piping and etc? All help is very appreciated! Thank you Corrado friends :)
  13. Hello again :) my corrado project is almost done! Just need a few finishing touchs! For starts, i need a newer tensioner pulley, that is what it is called in the VW Corrado repair book from the dealer. Mine has quite the groove in the middle from the previous owner beating on it :/ Next im also looking for the return and supply lines for the g60 charger. I recently had my charger rebuilt but the owner before me removed the lines and made the corrado run with out the g charger. All the bolts and such would also be an awesome thing! If anyone knows if I can just get regular bolts and lines from a store, that would be pretty helpful too! Im from the US so just mesaage me with some info, that would be great Thank you very much :)
  14. I plan on getting these for my project corrado. They look very nice and the car already came with the aftermarket tial light ones.
  15. yessir it sure is Auto. Thats what both of those holes are for? And thank you so much for the info
  16. Would that fit the 1991 G60? If so im interested. Also are you in the UK? Or is that a left sided car?
  17. I'm looking for an actual whole thing, not sure what the name of it is. Shows the speed, and has all the miles, and etc on it. I've seen one for sale before, forgot what its called. I live in the US so if youd be willing to ship here, I kind of need a newer one. Needs to fit my 1991 Corrado G60. Now this is in America so the drive console is in the left side and not the right, I dont know if that would make a difference? Thanks for any help
  18. Ah thank you very much for that diagram! That will come in handy! [ATTACH=CONFIG]47924[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]47925[/ATTACH] Okay ive added the images now, hopefully they work And as ive been viewing more about the forum, I have seen this is more of a UK place. Atleast I can still get knowledgeable help here. Thank you for the fast reply!
  19. Hey everyone! Im new to the Corrado community! Learning that this car is a unique and expensive project car, but Im doing my best smiling smiley I have a couple questions for all you g60 gurus out there who have worked on your car! First off, my G charger has a pipe that seems to be oil inside that was cut from who knows where. Weve looked but have no clue where it may be to. Does anyone know where the pipe off of the G charger goes to? Pictures would be amazing! My other questions, which I have pictures for, is 2 random holes that seem to be not plugged with anything when we took the car apart. https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=8c847d3366&view=att&th=130fd99a29982abc&attid=0.3&disp=inline&realattid=1373555578035580976-3&zw https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=8c847d3366&view=att&th=130fd99a29982abc&attid=0.4&disp=inline&realattid=1373555578035580976-4&zw Had to delete the source code for an image because they are too big. The first image shows the engine bay to kind of get a perspective of where the holes are, then the second one is of the two holes up close. AND last. If anyone is interested in the Wisconsin area in buying a 91 VW Corrado G60. Lots of new parts. Mostly stock besides an air filter. Has rims and body is black with a body kit. Just message me for pictures. I will be putting up for sale once shes all running. Thanks for any help! :)
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