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K362 DHP

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Posts posted by K362 DHP

  1. Rob, that sounds fine, prob best to draw onto a picture of a corrado and put minimum measurements away from the arch so i can be as accurate as possible. Its not going to be done this week tho as still have to drain the fuel etc. Maybe get it done early next week. Would you want the panel then to be posted?? It might come to quite a lot! But i can look into that. PM'd you with further contact details to help with communications!




    Thats great Tim, sorry i'm a bit busy right now as well but i'll give you a buzz tonight to have a chat about it...





  2. where u based rob??




    Northamptonshire unfortunately Tim so its a bit of a treck but can't find new or pattern panels anywhere so will just have to do what it takes...


    In fact, if you were at all interested to save time i'd be happy to give you a bit more money if you could cut it out for me... I'm happy to pay up front before you even touch the panels so that you know i'm not wasting your time. I'd obviously give you instructions as to what and where i wanted it cut.


    Let me know...





  3. No rust in sight - had a really good look and cant see any blemishes or bubbles - so its a goer if you're keen - will try and get on with the petrol tonight so the tank is empty. No dings in sight either - guessing you are going to strip it back to bare metal anyway so the painwork shouldnt be an issue.




    Oh that's great.. i'm going to see the bodyshop guys tomorrow afternoon so i'll ask them where and what I need to cut and we can sort something out. I wont be available for the next 2 weekends unfortunately but evenings is a possibility but it would have to be after work if its not going to take too long to cut it out. Did I say it was the passenger side? yeah, think I did, i'll check back in a minute.





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