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Everything posted by liz

  1. Wonder if Id be able to get the girls to do that idea.............hmmmm
  2. how are things with santa benji? and chris, the reason i have soooo many stars is because im the orignal CF Biatch! (and because i happen to live with the Admin......... :lol: :oops:
  3. nice to see you, to see you....................................
  4. was there something interesting outside or were you just doing a bruce forsythe impression?
  5. Indeed they do. O well have to find out who your real friends are at some point i guess! Got plenty of other good mates, just a bugger when you find out your best mate is a scheming vindictive jelous mare. not that im bitter :oops: lol
  6. funnily enough, the admin isn't shagging Pamela Anderson lol person on the left was my best mate up until last week when she turned out to be no mate at all. nothing interesting though randal lol
  7. lol right randal right! We've had this conversation before! are you still having problems with that? lol :lol: :roll:
  8. well, heres the evidence, and you can no longer call me a badger Tom!!! God that was a fun holiday :twisted: 2 weeks of stupid comments and walking into tables!
  9. how odd, just perusing the forum and i come across a picture of me! Bizarre! well, gone blonde now so im even more daft! Was a fantastic holiday that! Just a shame about the *cough* video evidence *cough*.
  10. I daren't say it for fear of having stones thrown at me! *cough* corsa *cough*. but im gonna have andi's vr6 when hes done with it :twisted: mwahahahahaha
  11. yes.....................................you do that randal :roll:
  12. and i thought i was the blonde one :roll:
  13. see tom, i'm not a badger anymore! just llook like a stupid blonde now instead!
  14. well, I dont actually own a C but I've been in the admins if that counts? Heres a pic of me gone blonde about a month after inters. No Jo photo but what the heckers. me on the right! :D
  15. fantastic show! great pictures too! It was great to meet up with everyone there. Need to make sure we can all get on the club parking together next year though and I expect to see you there next year Jim else you'll be in trouble!
  16. congratulations hun, hope you're all doing well now. :) I'm really happy for you both!
  17. liz


    75.9 over here in derby. I'm starting to feel lucky 8)
  18. awwwwww poor Henny, maybe you can pick one up at Inters if you're lucky :D
  19. yeah roddy, why else do you think he's moved up here lol?
  20. OMG!! another geek i'm afraid lol!! IT Specialst for IBM :oops: :oops: :evil: :evil: Oh, and we're not all guys! 8) hate to break the cycle but I dont do that! Second year Student Nurse studying Mental Health which helps when ur dating the admin :twisted: hehe
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