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Posts posted by haddock_n_chips

  1. Ok firstly Hello everyone!!


    This is my first post but hopefully not my last one!


    I have decided after 5-6 years of scirocco ownership (MK2's)


    i want a corrado, really after the vr6 if im honest


    I have found one for sale, a VR6, for sale within my budget and need to know what to look out for!


    I'm sure there are plenty of threads about this already and i apologise in advance for asking the same questions over and over again!


    Now my budget is a top end of £1500 and the VR6 is priced at £1500 with 80k on the clock and history to back this up


    apart from a couple of carpark dings its in good condition (what i can see from the photo's) however the guy is very honest and said very very occasionally it has an MAF problem and the revvs drop to idle when driving


    He's had it plugged into a bosche system and confirmed its the MAF doing it


    is this gunna be a mega problem?


    Im trying to get as much info as possible as the car is in somerset and im in Cambridge!! so its a bloody long way to go! Unless anyone fancies going to have a look for me?!!!



    anyway thanks in advance for any info i really appreciate it :)



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