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Posts posted by AndyP

  1. Thanks for the replies, been in touch with the dealers and got one for £34 - should have checked there first to see if you could still get them. Don't have an account with TPS, but thanks for the heads up Rick.

  2. Big thank you to Tonytiger, for some quality speedlines, delivered to my wifes work. Answered all questions quickly and flexible for delivery!! :thumbleft:


    Also huge thank you to JIMMI who saved me when my starter motor gave up at the weekend - quick response and easy to deal with. Top man..... :thumb right:

  3. My first post!! :D


    after what seemed like years of searching, I found a nice clean C close to me


    I've had it a few weeks now, but only just round to taking some photo's. Still not stopped grinning everytime I get in it :D :D


    Its completely std for the moment, but would like to get dropped a bit, then start saving for other toys.....

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