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Everything posted by SherryP

  1. I have a slam panel for sale. Its currently on my 95 VR6, but apparently it is actually a G60 one. I't fits well, I didnt know for 2 yrs! but when I found out it had to be swapped for a proper one! Richard
  2. Hi Matt, I know a guy who sells modified throttle bodies for 2.9's, but I think he operates on an exchange basis, ie, you give him your old 2.8 / 2.9 TB (+ some cash!) and he will give you a modified one in return. Inlet manifolds do come up occasionally, I have VSR, but have kept the original manifold should I ever need to go back to standard. I'm not looking to sell mine, but I'm sure plenty of other people out there might be! HTH Richard
  3. Hi, As a member of the CCGB (2.5 yrs) who attended the EGM, I would like to say that I am very proud to belong to such a strong and open club. The CCGB has terrific benefits, has set up some wonderful shows. The contacts I have made in the club have saved me literally £100's if not thousands of pounds in tips, access to cheap parts, and contact with members with 2nd hand spares for sale. The technical support provided is truely great, and the memebership fee is incredibly low. I went to a meeting only on Sunday here in the North west, and it was a thoroughly good day, I learned how to do a job on the car (where the Bentley just confused me). and met some nice people too! Keep up the good work! Richard
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