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About t5matty

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  • Birthday 01/15/1974


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  1. Thanks for all the input so far guys. Much appreciated. Think I'll continue my hunt for a geared one then.
  2. Hi all, *Newbie first question alert!* LOL I've been looking around for a VR6 Corrado for a few months now with the intention of buying one early in the new year to replace my daily driver mk4 Golf. One thing I've noticed is that you can pick up automatic VR6's for a lot less money than geared VR6's. Why is that? Is there something really bad about them that I should be aware of? I've only managed to find a handful of posts regarding them but they've all been quite positive in terms of performance and economy. Would be interesting to hear from people who have owned / driven both to see how they compare. Matt
  3. t5matty


    Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Matt from Exeter (Devon) and I've joined the forum so that I can do some research on buying a Corrado. I've always wanted one and have now decided to actually do something about it. I would be buying one as a daily driver in place of my Mk4 Golf so I still need to work out which model would be the most suitable. I also drive a LWB VW T5 which has been lowered and has a custom camper interior. You'll have to excuse some of my newbie questions that I expect I'll be posting up in various places. Cheers Matt
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