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About rjenkins

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    Royston, Herts


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  1. trung tâm tiếng anh thành lập công ty số điện thoại tư vấn luật http://luatngogia.net/ w http://tuvanphapluattructuyen.com/ nhac san cuc manh với Như Ý Tử nữa, xác định là đối phương muốn liều chết với nhau, không thể nào hóa giải, nếu không cừu hận càng ngày càng sâu, sau này sẽ thành đại họa ngập trời.

    Phương Hàn cũng là muốn thừa lúc Hoa Thiên Đô bế quan, chưa tu luyện thành vạn cổ cự đầu, chém chết Như Ý Tử, bớt đi một phụ tá đắc lực của Hoa Thiên Đô.

    Mà Như Ý Tử lại cấp thiết muốn giết chết Phương Hàn, bởi vì hắn cảm nhận được, thời gian càng kéo dài, Phương Hàn càng ngày càng mạnh, nếu cứ để hắn phát triển như vậy, tiếp theo tu luyện thành vạn cổ cự đầu, sẽ không thể ngăn cản được hắn.

    Song phương đều gấp gáp muốn giết chết

  2. rjenkins


    Well after a good look round testing the injector on Cylinder 4, I have located the fault. It appears to be the HT lead on this cylinder. I switched the leads around and found that this particular lead did not fire on any of the other cylinders either. The only thing that P****S me off is that the HT Leads are relatively new. :cry:
  3. rjenkins


    If there is a fuel starvation problem on the injector on cylinder 4 what is the easiest way to clean the injector?
  4. rjenkins


    My 1.8 16V is misfiring on Cylinder 1 (The nearest to the Dizzy) I have replaced the Dizzy and fitted new Bosch spark plugs. I have checked that i'm getting a spark which I am. The HT Leads are relatively new. I was running low on petrol and filled up at a dodgy garage then 10 miles down the road it started misfiring. Anybody got any ideas as i've run out of things to check or replace. Is it easy to remove the injector to see if it's a fuel starvation problem if so how is this done? PS Ignition switch replaced last week - Every week something seems to break on my Corrado.
  5. What would be the best way to check the 5th injector/cold start valve
  6. Well it's that time of year again (Winter) and my Corrado is taking a long time to fire up after a cold damp night. I have been advised that this could relating to an knackered distributor cap. Has anybody else had similiar problems as I don't really want to replace the HT Leads, spark plugs etc unless I need to.
  7. rjenkins

    Door Handles

    Thanks guys, will remember to look before I ask next time. :lol:
  8. rjenkins

    Door Handles

    Has anyone replaced the door handles on the Corrado, passenger side one has just broke! Can you keep the existing lock barrel?
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