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About swanman

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  • Location
    New Zealand


  • Interests
    Bikes, boats, dogs


  • Occupation
    Boat builder
  1. http://biareview.com/ http://anztheme.com/ dịch vụ thành lập doanh nghiệp tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán trung tâm kế toán g bệ hạ.”

    Chủ nhân của Long đảo! Long Hoàng bệ hạ! Không trách sao mà nam tử này có thực lực cường đại như vậy! Trần Duệ kinh hãi.

    Đúng lúc này, từ trong cánh cửa xuất hiện một bóng người bị kích động mà vọt tới: “Cha! Ba mươi vạn hắc tinh tệ người cho, ta tiêu hết rồi. Ta còn cố ý mua cho người một xiên thịt nướng!”

    Vừa nghe thấy thanh âm này, uy thế bức nhân của Long Hoàng bệ hạ nhất thời kinh ngạc rồi cười lên ha hả không khép lại miệng được. Trông hắn lúc này không khác gì một đại thúc trung niên hiền hậu.

    Thanh âm này càng làm cho Trần Duệ giật mình, hắc long tiểu thư Olivia!

    Hắc lon

  2. swanman

    Electric Windows

    Well got it off after a bit of tussling. All connectors seemed good. Followed the wires as they exit the door into a rubber sleeve then into the body of the car. Peeled back the rubber sleeve there was a a wire cut just hanging free. This wire matched the colour of one of the wires going to the motor. So that's it. The solution is beyond me. Sparky will have to get in there. Still my window is still partially open. Any ideas on how to close it??
  3. swanman

    Electric Windows

    Ha Ha :D Corrados are 2 doors! Interesting. If you had this problem on your front, sorry only door how would you get that door card off. Golf owner (4 doors).
  4. swanman

    Electric Windows

    How do I get the door card off. Is it a pop fit, hidden screws etc..?
  5. swanman

    Electric Windows

    Hi, I have VR6 Golf, 93. Driving yesterday, hot day no AC so had the windows half down. Came to parking so shut the windows. Except rear left window does not respond still 1/3rd open. Check fuse all ok. Do the turning key in door to shut all windows. all shut except that one. Ignition off, next day start up nothing. Give the door a tap and play with all switches, nothing. So I have a window stuck open. :!: Any ideas?
  6. Took it to an auto electrician today. They seemed to think that the sensor was ok but there was a problem in the circuitry somewhere, too much hassle (i.e. too expensive) to fix. Will ask about it at the VW dealer on my next service. Thanks to everyone.
  7. I have a vr6, Golf. Where is the sensor for the oil temp?
  8. Well I thought it was fixed! Same old symptoms. Have changed the coolant a number of times, ensuring that there were not air locks. Filling up through the top rad hose etc. Go for a drive the coolant temp seems quite normal, but the engine temp seems to slowly go up and then rise well above 110 even touching the max of 160 after about 10-15 minutes. Some related observations though. The car drives well regardless. When I drive my car home from work, so it has been standing still for 8 hours plus, the engine temp registers 160 as soon as I start up and stays there until I get home. Is it sill an air lock? Is it the sensor? Is it the water pump? I have recently changed the coolant as it was a mucky brown when I bought it a few months ago, maybe the water pump internals are corroded. The car has always driven well and I never checked the engine temp readout closesly before I changed the coolant so I cannot say if this was going on before. :?:
  9. Yes New Zealand!! Though it is not a Corrado but a Golf VR6 that I have, same engine I guess. Thanks everyone. I'll be in touch shortly with the next problem soon I'm sure. :D
  10. Well, well. Kev was absolutely right. :D I drained the whole system again. Guess what? Part of is was coolant green part of it was brown!! Surely an indication of an air lock, preventing the coolant circulating. Filled up the coolant through the top rad hose. Note INTO the hose itself. Got clear liquid in the expansion tank. Went for a drive: engine oil temp did not go above 104 oC. Job done. Cheers Kev
  11. I have recently flushed the radiator on my VR6. The coolant temp appears to be fine, but the engine oil temp soars above 140 oC according to the MFA. Then bounces up and down in the low to mid 100's. DO I have an air lock or something, how can the coolant temp be OK but the engine oil temp so high? If I have an air lock how do I get rid of it? :?
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