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Posts posted by Fluff

  1. Hey there Nigwell, thanks for that. Did you have the lower end done too then? Who did the work? I'm guessing that you haven't have any problems with it since.... Mine has only done 72K but I think it's gonna need doing soon.....


  2. Couldn't agree more Kev. The coolant level is dropping, very slowly and only by a tiny amount, but continually and there are no signs of any leaks. In a conversation with Vince at Stealth, he said that if I did want to do the timing chain, it would be cost effective to do the head then rather than wait ......and the car is approaching the time when the head gasket may need doing anyway.....still on it's original one....?? Hence I wondered what experiences people have had with this. My car was London based before I bought it, so probably has spent more time at 110oC than some.....?? Just a thought........ 8)

  3. Hey chaps, anyone out there had there VR6 cylinder head reconditioned/engine rebuilt in advance of serious problems....i.e before being forced to? I guess what I'm asking is what difference it made and whether anyone suffered any problems after it was done.....?? :?

  4. Hey guys, anyone out there in C land got any tips on replacing the headlamp glass?? I went for the cheaper option, rather than a new headlight at £95! :x ...flippin cheek!.....and I haven't looked at the headlight yet, so thought I'd ask before I knacker the thing... Is it a simple job? Yes, I know.....'simple' and 'Corrado' aren't words that usually go together but I live in hope........ :crazyeyes:

  5. Hey there, well let me tell me tell you my path to a Corrado....hope it helps. When they first came out.....I wanted one. Of course there was no chance back then, but the resemblence to the Mk1 Scirocco was just uncanny.....(did have one of them!) ....perfect in my mind! As time went by.....I still wanted one... Remember when I saw my first VR6, my first Storm......just had to have one. Along the way I was tempted by more practical cars....(??)...such as a Vectra GSI, BMW 328Ci, BMW 330Ci......but always had a niggle in my head.... Eventually sold the 330 to get what I have now.....a '95 Classic Green Storm with 70K on the clock in excellent nick.....best decison I ever made.....I LOVE IT!!! It has foibles for sure and has cost me a bit to get it totally sorted .....and am going to have the chain and tensioners replaced at Stealth.....but the reasons I stick with it are these... It's cool, it's in a class of it's own, they are not run-of -the-mill, it looks plain gorgeous, it goes like stink, it corners like it's on rails, it sounds heavenly, hasn't got traction control, and best of all.....I smile when I'm driving it! :lol:

  6. The thought had crossed my mind too Kev. However, spent 15 mins on the phone with Vince at Stealth yesterday.......who said the same thing. He had more good news for me too......basically if VW had stuck the 2.8VR6 in the Corrado aswell as Golfs, Passats and Sharans (boy do I need a beer after saying that!) instead of a 2.9 version....us C owners wouldn't have much to talk about..... Mmmm...maybe the answer is to go for the 3.1 conversion....????? :p

  7. Um...yes I had wondered this too as I alwyas thought that the lower tensioner wasn't hydraulic..?? Another clue is that the car has just had a service, and after an oil change the noise was worse than before...i.e. lasted for longer before going quiet...??? Couldn't temperature influence the lower tensioner too though? .....expansion/contraction of components? So I guess the bottom line question is.....if it sounds like tappets but isn't, is the chain rattling (for whatever reason) the next most likely candidate?

  8. Mmmmm......well both AmD and a local performance garage have now heard the noise and have said timing chain tensioner (lower).....and recommend new chain and guides too while I'm at it. The local garage even rang VW :shock: ...who's chief technical bod said the same thing (?) even though it's only done 70K.... The noise always goes after a few minutes and I'm always gentle with the car until it's warmed up so hopefull. One more clue..??.....if you increase the revs a little when it's doing it....the noise goes away......

  9. Hey guys, yeah the noise itself is a clack probably? Most who have heard it have said tappets without hesitation, including me first time......but they were replaced and it made no difference. What else makes a tappet like noise at cold start, that aint the tappets? Timing chain in the guides if not fully tensioned? Thanks very much for all the good advice by the way, can't believe I haven't found the forum before now! Doah! Car I had before this was a 6 cylinder beemer, so by comparison....this sounds like a tractor when cold :D ....but so much better though!

  10. Hey thanks again mate!

    I did ask nathan at AmD about piston slap and he gave me a firm "no way, not on such a low mileage engine" Is this a serious liklihood then? I guess there isn't much you can do about that, and if I did decide to have the tensioner done, I'd be right miffed if it still makes the noise. Are there any other clues that would suggest piston slap? :D

  11. Hey thanks for the quick reply!

    Yeah more dosh than I'd have liked.....but I love the car and want to keep it for good....so wanted it to be healthy going forward. The noise is driving me nuts I have to say and is getting worse (lasting longer). Used to happen for a couple of seconds, now it can be for 3 minutes. When you think it's gone and pull off, it reappears when the engine is under load, but then is gone completely after another minute or so. It pretty much went away in the summer, but came back with a vengeance when the weather turned cold. I've had the car for a year, and the previous owner was London based, and although it is in v good nick......it did need a big service when I got it. AmD suggested leaving it for another 10K until the clutch needs doing, but I am nervous about this just because it is getting worse. Do you know how common it is for tensioners to go at 70K? Will keep you posted for sure, but currently trying to find a local (trusted) garage to do the work. Oh hey, don't know wher I could get a new headlight do you mate?

  12. Hey there folks, can you help? I have a '95 Classic Green Storm with 70,000 miles on the clock that is in great nick, but makes a tapping noise on cold start that can last for couple of minutes. Worse with cold weather too... It's had new tappets, oil pump and upper tensioner.....the AmD verdict is that it is the lower tensioner....so engine out job :shock: Bloody VW designers! Has anyone else had this problem....? Wasn't expecting this for another 50K.....

  13. Hey there, I have a green '95 Storm which has 70,000 on the clock.... and has been diagnosed at AmD as needing to have the lower chain tensioner replaced :( Not had any bad experiences with Nathan at AmD, but would prefer to go more local (Cambridge) if any of you guys know of any recommended garages out this way.... Has anybody out there had to have their tensioners done on a VR6...? Or....do Stealth do courtesy cars..??



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