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unomatt started following Corrado 2.0 8v green more parts added 18/01/15, 16v Alternator, Hello everyone! and and 7 others
Wow! What a place! Lucky bugger!
Welcome! Nice looking car, everyone I see on here makes mine look like a dog! Nice to see another valver though :) Is that a sneaky Ferrari 308 in the background too?
Evening, is anyone selling a good alternator for a 16v? Bearing has gone and the casing has cracked on mine. Thanks in advance!
I sorted it!!!! Turns out the 'earths' should have been lives, it now works, yay! Thanks for the help guys, I can finally lock my car for the first time in about 3 months!!
AARRGGHH!!! I hate wiring! I have followed both guides and it will not work!!! The unit powers up but it will not lock or unlock, I know the pump is ok as it works at the door. Tried different wires incase I made a mistake but nothing! Any ideas? It surely can't be this hard to attach 4 wires!!
That's what I thought, so no earthing through the wiring as per the guide?
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I've had another look at all this, gonna have a go today. I think I have found some information regarding what the wires on the RCL unit are for but there are 3 earths, would I need to earth them to the car shell or attach them together with the earth on the wiring? The information I got for what each wire is is attached. http://s10.photobucket.com/user/muckingfuppet/media/tech_guides/667fd85d.png.html
Thanks for the responses guys, can't upload the instructions but the ebay link has a picture in the listing, link is: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161604522887?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Guide looks pretty good, less wires to play with than behind the door card! Those T- clamps look interesting, saves cutting
Afternoon all, bought an ebay special universal remote central locking kit but the instructions for fitting may as well be written in Egyptian for all the sense I can make of them. Does anyone have a pictorial guide? Should I be splicing into the unit behind the drivers side rear seat door card? Any help would be amazing!
Evening guys, thanks for the responses. The clicking sounds like it is coming from the fuse box area so could be a relay issue. I will whip it out tomorrow and see if it's all there using your guide, thanks! GreenRado- interesting, maybe I should play around with that too!
MOT last week, failed on the horn and brake hoses, not too bad I thought, will just be a fuse...it isn't a fuse. When I put the wires together I can hear clicking, does that sound like the horn itself has had it?
Seen these on Ebay, do you think they would suit a Corrado? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321693372237?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2661&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
Thanks for that, it reassured me I foitted it correctly, still no idea what the issue is though unless the last of the tumblers is getting caught on something, it's an early lock in a late handle, not sure if that could be an issue but it sits in ok, not proud of the lock apperture or anything
Absolute star! THanks for that, I now have a lock barrel that turns and goes back! Unfortunately, now it's back together the key wont go in unless I press in on the back of the lock at the same time, I do not understand!!! If I take it apart it works fine, if I hold the end in the key slides in and out no issue, take pressure off the back of the lock and it won't go in all the way, got most annoyed! There doesn't seem to be any movement in the mechanism and when I push on the back it doesn't seem to particularly move anything so I am stuck. Think I may get remote central locking!!!
So, bought a new door handle as mine had broken, went to change over the locks, seemed straight forward but now, because I didn't pay enough attention, I am stuck! There is a circular spring that I cannot figure out how to get back in to function properly (I assume it is to self right the lock?) Can anyone guide/show me a picture of the mechanism so I can deduce a solution?