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Posts posted by GeniuS

  1. I finally started my corrado this year and I happily drive it now :)

    But not really often since my local stores cannot have the oil filters, cap rotor, ect anymore !


    I searched the forum to find all this, but cannot find exactly what I m searching for, so I guess the best way is to ask !


    I need:

    - the oil filter (always used BOSCH)

    - Spark plug (the last time I bought some was from Kompressor Kanada (from what I remember) and they where 25$ each ... NGK I think

    - Cap rotor

    - Cables from spark plug to cap rotor


    I use 15-50W oil from Mobile 1 oil

    Is there any places online I can get all these at a reasonable price ?

    I lives In quebec, Canada !


    Thank you very much for your help,

    Martin L.

  2. Seeing thos pictures, anyone can point me what to change and how to do it ?


    I thought I would buy a new oil cooler seal, but seeing this, I don't think it's the problem.


    Also, that green connector is not pluged anywhere .. any idea where it should be ?


    Thank you very much in advance !


    Martin L.

  3. ok, forget about it... it works now !


    The forst thing I did was checking the brake fluid level, it was about 1/4" lower then MAX !

    But it still ws the problem... I added some fluid the bleed the clutch, everything works now!


    Thank you all for your help

    Martin L.

  4. In fact, I never changed the brake fluid !

    I bought 4-5 little bottles of DOT4 brake fluid from canadien tire 6 years ago and I never changed to fluid !


    SO you think maybe changing the fluid might solve it ?


    I saw you post saying "you can pressure bleed with an easy bleed or do it by hand (2 person job)


    You'll need an 11mm spanner and a tiny amount of fluid (250ml - £2ish from VW)"


    Is it a hard job to do ?? I mean .. that 11mm bolt should not be completly stuck there ?


    I have nothing on my clutch pedal... it is completly free, but stays up if I manuel pull it there !


    Thank you very much for your help!

  5. Last year, when I got the corrado out after storage (winter storage), the clutch was floored.

    I mean, there is not spring at all, if I bring it back with my hand, it stays up, but if I push it for 1" it goes straight to the floor.


    So I moved the corrado with a friend to my driveway so that I can fix it there, but the probleme solved by it self and I was able to drive it with no issues at all (drove it like 2-3 times at max).


    This year, the same thing happend, moved the corrado to the drive way but the clutch did not return to normal.

    I have no idea what is happening !!!

    The brake fluid seams ok (a bit more then between min and full).

    And since the problem was there last year and solved by it self, I guess this is not air in the cylinder !


    Any idea what should be done ?

    I guess the first thing to try is to bleed the clutch so I'll have a friend at my place to try it, but in case this doesn't work, any other ideas what I should try while buddy is with me?


    Thank you very much,

    Martin L.

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