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About iandavidcassidy

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    graphic designer
  1. cheers. how can i tell if the aux pump is working or not. with ignition on what should i hear. 1. fuel pump, rear of car? 2 Aux water pump, near engine somewhere? 3. any other pumps?
  2. doh. is it worth getting it all changed at the same time - incl stat housing, i have seen that on GSF parts the stat is only 6.85 and tghe pump 19.00 is this true. Also will i need a new EXPANSION TANK as water was coming out of it. my garage said i could have messed up the head gasket too! arhh
  3. would the bottom hose be slightly warm if this is the case
  4. Hi My corrado has overheathing probs. When the car water temp gets to 100 the fans come on but even on the motorway never go off. Then the water warning light starts to flash. And the water starts to hit 140!!!. I stopped and opened the bonnet and steam was leaking out of the coolant resivour and it was very full. I heard from here that the two big hoses/pipes to the right side of the engine could be checked so i did. The top one was boiling and the bottom one not cold but very slightly warm. The engine was very cold. The fans were still on. I have a feeling i may need a new thermostat as the heater works etc. But also when i turn the ignition on (but not the engine) i can no longer hear the aux water pump. (although i'm not sure what it should sound like). I can hear one pump turn on but from behind me (is that the fuel pump?) So - Do you think i need a new thermostat or pump or both. or could it even be something else? They can't both break same time surely! cheers for your help guys your all brill ian
  5. cheers roger. it was driving from london to St.Albans that my car did this! Can i change them myself? and is there an easy way to find the faultly ones?
  6. oh henny. and would Knackered temp senders cause the coolant light to come on - as this happened but there tank was full when i checked. Maybe all the sensor went at the same time?
  7. cheers for you help guys!! I shall get some temp sensors then henny - which ones will i need and where are they to replace ( ie . could a complete novice do it . me!)
  8. gr8 - thanks for scaring me! Do you really think my head gasket is on the way out. I started this thread thinking just the temp sensor was faulty. I regularly get water temp of 110 and oil 118. always have done for a year and nothings ever gone wrong. Does anyone else have a idea why the fan still stays on constantly and the water temp reads 120 when i can feel that the engine is cool?
  9. the problen is that the coolant light came on but the was loads of coolant in there. The other problem is that the fans seemed to be on longer that normal but when i checked the engine bay the engine seemed really cool yet the temp gauge was reading 100-120. maybe a faulty sensor? help anyone else?
  10. thermostat stuck? can i unstick it? were is it. i am very bad at this type of stuff. but in 1 year of going around london sitting in endless traffic - my c has never overheated or done this before
  11. thermostat stuck? can i unstick it? were is it. i am very bad at this type of stuff. but in 1 year of going around london sitting in endless traffic - my c has never overheated or done this before
  12. the blower was working as we were on the motorway and i turned it on. the engine when i pulled up was not stone cold, but normal to better than normal as the fans were on so long. It was cold to touch on top and norm it is quite warm to touch,? could it be a sensor making the fan stay on, would this send a water temp light error?
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