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About Bonebagger

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  • Birthday 10/26/1960


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  1. Hi all

    I've owned my VR6 since '93 and 83k miles. After 3 years an ignition lag was resolved with a dizzie cap replacement. There was a recall on the '93 cars due to failing piston rings. The work failed so I looked for someone to do a full top-end rebuild. The car also suffered from ignition lag and low speed misfire. Stealth Racing kept on cropping up and eventually I travelled from Jersey to meet Vince. After rebore with standard pistons and high-lift cam and attention to valves/seats and about 5000 miles of running-in I have just taken the motor back to Southam for remapping and service. I don't know how far off the original 191bhp the Corrado had dropped to but after the work and running in and prior to remapping she had returned to 185bhp. After ECU magic it was up to 199.5bhp with another 5-10bhp to come as it loosens up. Brilliant work at a reasonable price and totally dedicated experts in the cars we all love. Respect and thanks! Rene

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