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About tony123parts

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    northridge, california
  1. :cry: hey guys just bought the car of my dreams, but having a headache getting it just right, bought it of an mechanical school student, said he just replaced the head and gaskets the supercharger supposedly was replaced recently also, so he said, it has low miles on it. the car was overheating but he said that the water pump was the only thing he hadent replaced, took it to a friends but found out that the fan wasnt kicking on at all when hot! it turns on once in a while but only when the engine is off, right by the radiator there seems to be 2 relays but only one was in, the other one :cry: :cry: was missing so we checked it and found it controled the fan, i had a 5 prong relay handy so i used it, but it would make the fan stay on forever and on high speed to, so i ordered the correct relay for the fan, and the fan switch i replaced them both this morning but it did nothing still the same, the car got to 230 degrees the relay and fan switch did nothing after turning of the car and taking off the relay the fan kicked on for a minute very strange, also i found out that the fuse box is dangling near my clutch the clips holding it in place are broken, but at times my windows wont work unless i mess with the relays that are dangling i can hear a click from behind the drivers side when i mess with the relays, might this be a loose connection or maybe bad or dirty relays, oh yes also when the car is hot the water overflow canister does bubble up lots when i remove the cap! please someone anyone help!!! also i installed the new fan switch but not all the way to the end of the threads because there is a gasket that makes it hard to turn, i left the leads of the switch vertical not horizontal is this okay hope to hear from replys soon, thanx in advance.. :roll: ** Mod Edit - Please don't SHOUT your posts, it makes it very difficult to read! - Henny **
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