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About woodland.liam

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  • Birthday 11/18/1994


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  1. Yeah, thankfully I've got a VW OEM store that has a full stock on the brake and suspension components.
  2. Looking at a '93 VR6 which has been parked for 3 years; haven't had a chance to see the vehicle, but apparently the brakes are rusted out. What are some of the best sources for new brakes? Hopefully I'm only looking at rotors and pads.
  3. I'm 18 and hopefully will be a proud Corrado owner by tomorrow.
  4. I have my eye on a 1993 VR6; I currently own a 1997 Golf, LOVE IT. But obviously the Corrado would be a major upgrade. My biggest concern about buying it would be problems. What are some common problems they have? I am very mechanically inclined, how easy is it to perform the repairs myself? How much would you say parts cost on average, compared to my Golf. Thanks.
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