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Everything posted by Rooker
Hi Andrew, do you still have the part? Is it one or both sides, or maybe best if we start with the part number.....I would buy it as I plan to fix mine now. Tanks, R
Yes, you are right why to risk that with 3 and 4..... I think it is best to keep it original, now I have found a company supplying parts for that at reasonable price levels. Around 50 USD each part kit, so worst case 200 USD.... But I need to check first what is wrong. I post the results and the method with pictures, the only problem now is that it is -10 C outside and there is no heating in the garage :-(
Hehe, hair I have none either. Lost it all (maybe too early)..... I like the house rules: no funny hair or body kits...... But it is interesting, I have bought the car from a schoolboy , maybe 18. The funny thing is this: when he bought it from an older guy the car was equipped with a body kit and the first thing the young men did is to get rid of that one! So maybe it is not the age but the taste?
Hi Gents (Maybe Ladies also?), I have a project for the winter on my VR6: fix the sunroof, which tilts but does not slide (as usual). As I understand there are quite many options to do this and now I would like to use your experience, pick your brains.... Solutions: 1.) Fix the original with small but rather expensive parts and risk it that it breaks again 2.) Swap to another type, like Octavia Estate 3.) Passat B4 4.) Golf Mk3 5.) Seat Ibiza With solutions 2.)-5.) I would like to know which is fitting best and what should I watch out for? Best would be to know the right model, right year range and maybe a part number... Maybe someone have one at home in the garage, ready for shipping? I would be happy to buy that! I have found now an Octavia Estate from end of '98. (1U5 Estate) [ATTACH=CONFIG]71043[/ATTACH] Is this good? What I promise on the other hand is to post a step-by-step manual with pictures about the whole project. Regards, Rooker
Thanks.... This is a '92 model Honestly I think they are surprisingly cheap here..... I paid around 20 000 SEK which is like what 17000 NOK? I have checked the German sites and you find an OK VR6 for around 5000 EUR. In the UK it can be cheaper but they are RHD models. The VR6 Corrados here in Sweden are offered between 15 000 - 30 000 SEK depending on the age and shape but most of them have 200 000-300 000 km on the clock. The tax is 1700 SEK for a year. Mine has only 130 000 km if I want to believe that. Anyway it has been kept in a garage and got good maintenance... Check some ads here: www.blocket.se (Not so many are available at the moment, they have disappeared for the winter.)
Sorry, I meant it is not exactly my style and I hate how they bent the wheel arches to make it fit. The paint cracked all the way on the real arches because they forgot to heat it up....... Otherwise yeah, the are wide like hell but I did not measure them. When I got home with it, it started to snow and the first night the car spent outside. Look at the picture how the wheels stick out [ATTACH=CONFIG]71034[/ATTACH]
Hi Everybody, I am a new member from Sweden, I joined this forum as I think this is the most comprehensive one on Corrados. I was very young (16) when a friend had a red G60 in 91. At that time Corrados were "proper" in a drug dealer's fleet, today it is almost a collectors item. (My friend was a rich panel-beater, who bought it crashed to K.O from a German guy) Anyway, being soon 38 maybe I am the oldest now who recently purchased a Corrado? After searching long time for an original VR6 in good shape, finally I bought it a couple of weeks ago. You see her on the profile picture with the coilovers and ugly rims (that I plan to change), stuck sunroof of course. Otherwise needs a short shifter and some cleaning before the summer. So again, hi to all members, I am here reading your threads in the Swedish winter. Rooker[ATTACH=CONFIG]71030[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]71031[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]71032[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]71033[/ATTACH]
Really nice piece. I agree with both principles: keep it original AND drop it by 50. Any time you can take out those coilovers on a Sunday afternoon :-) But the ride.... oh what a difference.