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Camera Detectors

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Hi all. Im after a speed camera/radar detector. The thing is, im not too keen on having the box mounted in the centre of the dash. Anyone know what the ones mounted under the bonnet are like or could reccomend something?

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I have a Bell 330 for sale which won lots of awards, can be on the windscreen or passenger side, can be removed easily and won lots of awards - check avoidfines.co.uk PM me if interested

It is boxed with two sets of accessories and picks up all frequencies even the buggers that hide behind the trees. The road angels rely on downloaded info from a database to get the coordinates and then you still need to pay for yearly subscription.

This one has been used once and back in packaging.


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I have an origin B2 and you can mount the display anywhere you want but the GPS antenna must have 'sight' of the sky. Also the laser detector is windscreen mounted but its not very intrusive, you can even mount it behind the rear view mirror.

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Thanks guys. I was thinking of the Snooper S6-R Neo, as it has separate GPS antenna and Radar detector modules, so wouldnt matter if i mounted in in the hole in front of the gearlever. Only problem with the snooper is that it has side connectors so looks untidy...

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Yeah, been looking at the Origin B2. Does anyone know if you can hard wire the power or does it have to go into the cigarette lighter socket? Also, it seems to say everywhere, 'Optional' Radar module, but no one seems to sell them??

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Yeap, you can hardwire the Origin - so no messy wire to cigarette lighter. You can hardwire pretty much all the other devices too to be fair.

Radar retector IMO is a waste of time. Hardly anyone uses radar anymore - laser is the main device, and gatsos are obviously on the gps database.

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Whats the mounting bracket like on it. I was hoping to attach the console to the top of the rear view mirror if poss.

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Hello. Anyone with an Origin B2... Do you know if its possible to have the road number displayed all the time, or just when you detect a camera? Thought it might be usefull - i never know where i am... :oops:

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Hi julesz, I have one. As MoonlightVR says, there is no point getting the radar module - goes off at the new puffin crossings and automatic doors! Plus you can only have the laser module *or* the radar module connected at any one time. I would suggest mounting it as Asim and I have done but if you're after a more discreet installation the best place would be the cubby hole below the heater controls/ashtray. IIRC the mounting bracket swivels through 90 degrees so you can mount it on a flat surface or a vertical surface. Mine only displays road number when a camera is detected although you can find your GPS co-ordinates at any given time via the menus. Hope this helps.

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Nah mate, it won't fit on the console. The unit really needs to be on a flat and stable surface otherwise the Origin will keep popping off the contacts on the mounting and cut out. As vr6corrado says, either mount it were we have, or by the A pillar, or down in that cubbie hole (best place) assuming you don't have aux instruments.

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