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Chris Knott Insurance

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Il go back with adrian flux next year after hearing this and the other post. have Been with flux for about four yearsin the past as they could never be beat on price.


Only problem with them is that they are an absolute pain to get hold of them!!. But are really good when you make a claim (like when my G/F wrote off my modded golf last year!)


I only went with chris knott because they managed to beat the nearest quote, were Friendly,and easy to get hold of.

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Hi again


Its funny how different companies deal with moving house.

When we moved from torquay to plymouth. My G/F policy with adrian flux cost her 15 quid admin charge. Mine with chris knott cost me nearly 50 Quid!


Mind you she has only got a polo :roll:


Another excuse to go back to adrian flux. Then again maybe not after just reading storm2 post!

personally tho when you need them they are better than most.

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Ok, This admin charge thing is absolute bull, having worked for many organisations who charge "An admin charge" for changes. In pretty much 90% of all the cases its down to the sales person you are talking to on the phone and him making money from you for having to do some work for you. I would say he could charge you whatever admin fee he wanted to and he made a percentage of that £50.


Never ever accept an admin fee.


Doh I have given away yet another of my income ploys....

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thanks vwdubs.


I just assumed that was company practice, always thought it was a rip off for altering a few details.


Il have to remember that next time they try and rip me off :evil:



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I still can't understand why they wanted more money from me. I did some checking over the weekend & Leeds (where I used to live) has a higher car crime rate than where I now live in Birmingham. :mad:

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I used to be with Chris Knott Insurance many moons ago with my XR2, and never had a problem with them. But, like everything, things change.


I am now with Thames City in Birmingham, and have been for the past 5 years. Recently I changed cars from a Punto to my C, and they let me make up the difference by card with no problems. If you wanted to give them a call, their number is: 0870 606 1409, they even cover modded cars. Not sure they like engine mods though, but all my cosmetic mods on the punto didn't cost me a penny extra! Could be worth a call.


Good luck anyway.

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