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have just bought a amp and sub second hand for car, Wondering if someone could explain what the three dials on it do?


Gain - I'm guessing this just turns up the power

Bass eq - ?

LP Filter - ?


Have included pic of the dials in question., any help would be great.

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bass eq - ignore. boosts the bass basically

LP filter - controls the frquency cutoff point for a sub. 80-100 is a decent level. it makes sure the sub is only playing bass and not vocals etc.

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be caresul with the gain. turn it to min.

turn HU to nearly max (80%ish before it distorts)

play some bassy music

then turn gain up slowly until the speakers struggle then back off a little

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IIRC For full range you are supposed to connect the system up and then turn the gain to normal. Crank the volume up and then turn the gain up unil it just starts to distort and then turn it down a fraction to eliminate the distortion.


For sub work, connect the sub into the system and use the gain as a vol control in order to balance the sub volume with the rest of your system.


The Bass EQ can be viewed in the same way as the bass control on your stereo. The Bass filter as Pablo says controls the amount of higher end freqency being delivered to the sub.


If I was setting it up I'd adjust the gain 1st. Try to leave the boost flat and then play with the cut off. This should give you the basic setting and then make small changes on all three until it sounds the best to you.


Good Luck 8)

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Storm, same procedure for all speakers. the gain should go to min first then be brought up.


Gain is NEVER NEVER EVER a volume control!!! Its used to match the outputs of the HU to the inputs of the amp or you get CLIPPING (making an AC signal amost DC - not good).


if the sub is overpowering the rest of the system then by all means take the gain down but never ever push it higher or you WIILL fry speakers.


most HUs have some sort of bass boost so Id use that rather than the amps one. If you do use bass boost then the gain will need to be set again.

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Sorry I meant as a method of balancing the output volume of the different amp channels, not a regular vol control.

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