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electric windows

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my o/s/f electric window intermittantly works, when this happens the n/s/f window works ok, but as soon as the o/s/f window starts working again the n/s/f packs up.

i can hear relays clicking like mad in the o/s/r q panel when using the switch

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do you know what type of window circuit it is? I think a 94 has an ECU, in which case can't help.

But if it's the old-style, six pins to a switch, I might be of use...



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just gooing off the subject a little, but my electric windows seem to be sticking a little, but this may be just an old wsitch and a new one may be required. but the main issue is that my passenger windows rattles like mad. I have had the door to bits to see if its any part of the mechanism, and it all seems in order. Put the thing back and the minute i get in the car and fire up the engine it rattles.....driving me mad!!!!! Any Ideas??? :x

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my o/s/f electric window intermittantly works, when this happens the n/s/f window works ok, but as soon as the o/s/f window starts working again the n/s/f packs up.

i can hear relays clicking like mad in the o/s/r q panel when using the switch


ihad this, i took the passenger switch off and ran them both of the drivers for a while and they were fine., have now put passenger switch back on and they are still fine :roll: LMAO


try changing the switch

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