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No Washer jets

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I took the Vr6 in to the dealers to get the bonnet catch repaired, and since I have had it back, I am unable to get the washer jets to work.

I have found so far that -

1. There is no 12v supply going to the washer pump when you pull the wiper arm.

2. I know the mechaninc had to take the fuse box out to replace the cable for the bonnet catch.

3. The wipers work, so I know it is not the fuse.

4. The wiper arms move when you try to activate the washers.


Would anyone think there is a possibilty he has dislodged something, or even have any other idea as to what could be the problem.

I am taking it back to them soon, but I would like to have an idea what it could be, instead of them fobbing me off with some story.

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Cheers Steve. Considering the work that was done, this does sound like a plausable theory. I shall head back there, armed with this "insider" knowledge.

Many thanks


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I had a check of the relays located above the fuse box, and comparing them to the picture in the manual, there is one missing. I dont know which one is which though, as I do not have a relay list. I did ensure that all the relays that are present, are in firmly though, and this had no effect on the washers.

Are there any other possibilities?

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