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my fender is rusting!

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I need some advice.

with the onset of cold weather I'm seeing some bubbles in my paintwork, on the front right fender. What can I do to rescue the situation.

Don't want to spend too much, it's a pretty old car after all!




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eh ........... you've got a rusty guitar????


oh you mean wing :lol:


pretty much anything you try to stop rust wont work as once the moisture has got in there your fighting a loosing battle

most body shops would grind back and fill the rusty patch :(

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Fender = bumper?


How come so many things are americanised nowadays? 'The remote's over there on the couch'. God I hate that word. Although settee isn't exactly a superb word.


Sorry I'm prattling. Now that's a good word. Prattle.




Good luck :)

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Fender = Wing, Tom... but yes, Prattle IS an excellent word... 8)


As coolrado, says, it's a sand it back, treat it with some rust killer, prime and repaint job... :|


Depending on how badly it's bubbling/rusting, and which colour your car is, you may be able to do it yourself and get a very reasonable quality finish on it for not a lot of money... 8)


Any chance of some pics so we can see how bad it is and advise from there?

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