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G-Lader Rebuild by G-Werks: Great !!!!

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Yes, it was my turn now to travel down from Coventry trying to avoid the horrid London rush hour traffic jams, that seem to spread across the southern country during the morning hours like cancer, to the holy caverns of G-Werks and PSD to meet no one less than Darren (after a little help from Darren to get into the actual 5 Nursery's address once I had arrived on the correct road with nothing but nurseries along it, and the next door nursery never ever having heard of G-Werks or the 5 Nursery's address :shock: )


Top man, top job, top entertainment and information, in a nutshell excellent stuff, despite a devastating start: My Rado decided to play silly games, 2 ba**rd bolts didn't want to come out holding the G-Lader to the mounting bracket on the air filter box end, taking lots of pursuasion and 2 hours to get them out using Torx bits, lots of hammering and a pneumatic drive :shock: This was down to the "excellent" garage as used by the previous owner of my Rado when he last had the charger rebuilt; that garage had decided not to use any anti-seizure paste or aything :mad:


After that it was fortunately plain sailing, despite my Lader having blown oil before the rebuild :shock: , no damage had been done to the shaft or any other bits. Jabba's finest copmponents (and labour practices, ie. pushing seals in too deeply :shock: ) were identified in the rebuild :shock: and suitably disposed of :lol:


Whilst there I also saw Bananaman's Rado in the rear of the workshop and the man himself re-inserting his engine later that afternoon, and Steve from PSD doing a rebuild on a G40 for a Polo (lots of G40-vs-G60 jokes followed :lol: ).


After a whopping 8 hours of labour (or graft) another happy Rado-owner with a freshly rebuilt Lader (me :D ) left the famous (slightly exhausted, no doubt :lol: ) Darren at G-Werks HQ on his way home, keeping that foot from sinking too deeply onto the accelerator :lol:


Folks, I can only recommend Darren !



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Folks, I can only recommend Darren !


Why, wassup with the others?

I know they smell a bit and can be a bit thick, but that's a bit harsh....... :lol:

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Why, wassup with the others?

I know they smell a bit and can be a bit thick, but that's a bit harsh.......


Erm, they're alright actually :lol: , just a bit G40-oriented :lol: . Nah, everyone's OK down there, just that Darren was the one doing my rebuild :D



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thankyou eric ... was no problem at all a good informative day was had by all.... :lol: and please send me the picture of the german glader builder who opens the chargers up with an AXE i think i need to Practise this method. :lol:

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