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Bonnet release cable

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Hello all,


I posted a question a while ago asking for a diagram of the interior bonnet release lever and how it fits to the bowden cable, as my lever has gone all slack and floppy (happens to all of us eventually). I've now had a look and it would appear that a small metal clip has snapped which attaches to the cable and pushes onto the bracket holding the lever onto the footwell. This clip acts to retain the cable outer while allowing the lever to draw the inner through and hopefully release the bonnet.


I know some people have made their own bracket, but I've ordered a new clip (£1) and was looking at how its fitted. It looks like the clip will not come off the end of the cable that fits to the lever (which would defeat the object) so I wonder if the cable has to be withdrawn into the engine bay or if some slack has to somehow be put into the cable to allow the clip to the fitted. Anyone have any idea what I'm on about and experience of fitting this?


It has all the hallmarks of the classic "it looks like it should be easy but its now been 4 hours upside-down in the footwell and I can't feel my legs " type of job. Please convince me I'm wrong.





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