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Bass Cube?

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I've got a an 800rms 15"sub being run off a mono bass amp 600rms @12v. Any benefit from adding a Bass Cube or Epicenter, if so which is the more suitable of the two for listening to the likes of Linkin Park/Green Day/Chemical Brothers/Depeche Mode (strange combo eh).

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bass cube and epicentre are 2 different things really.


personally Id not bother with either tbh.


id imagine the bass cube more apt to spl competition and the epicentre more suited to street bass applications (just want my bass loud). the epicentre restores the low down frequencies that are sometimes missing in recordings as 99% of people hifi cant play them. Ive never used one but they seem to be well regarded.


the bass cube however is a dynamic bass boost function really. you select the freq you want to boost then hike it up. not really mega useful in SQ apps imo.

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bass cube and epicentre are 2 different things really.


personally Id not bother with either tbh.


id imagine the bass cube more apt to spl competition and the epicentre more suited to street bass applications (just want my bass loud). the epicentre restores the low down frequencies that are sometimes missing in recordings as 99% of people hifi cant play them. Ive never used one but they seem to be well regarded.


the bass cube however is a dynamic bass boost function really. you select the freq you want to boost then hike it up. not really mega useful in SQ apps imo.


I wasn't sure i'd need one. The front end of my system is geared towards SQ but for show purposes i needed a monster sub and people seem to rave abou these little boxes. Guess if i use one for show only i'd be best getting one which gives the biggest BOOM and switch it off for the ride home.

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bass cube then i guess.


do you have an EQ? If so you can probably get much the same effect and save yourself £250 (or however much they are these days)

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i.ve got the audiobahn base driver and it made so much difference, if that helps, definantly worth £200

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I have an Epicentre, in fact I got two, I find that I only use mine at shows, the epi is great for putting bass back into songs where there is none, so you dont just have to slam the same old songs just coz they got a good bass track.


I dont agree that you can get the same effect from an EQ, an EQ sorts out the frequences that your speakers would miss so to speek.

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I have an Epicentre, in fact I got two, I find that I only use mine at shows, the epi is great for putting bass back into songs where there is none, so you dont just have to slam the same old songs just coz they got a good bass track.


I dont agree that you can get the same effect from an EQ, an EQ sorts out the frequences that your speakers would miss so to speek.


got an epicentre on ebay today, brand new £67 8)

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I have an Epicentre, in fact I got two, I find that I only use mine at shows, the epi is great for putting bass back into songs where there is none, so you dont just have to slam the same old songs just coz they got a good bass track.


I dont agree that you can get the same effect from an EQ, an EQ sorts out the frequences that your speakers would miss so to speek.


I meant that an EQ would mimic a bass cube as you can jusk hike up 50Hz ;)


As you say an epicentre reconstructs bass not found on older recordings. dunno if this is much an issue on newer CDs tho

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As you say an epicentre reconstructs bass not found on older recordings. dunno if this is much an issue on newer CDs tho



Thats what i thought. Found a topic on talk audio "basscube VS epicentre" and they seem to prefer the latter. I think the basscube would be better for my install soundwise but the epic matches the install (or will once i've tweeked it a little) which is more important in a showcar.

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