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WTF Lights?

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Right, house mate comes in, and says "ya lights are on mate" think thats weird, wasnt dark when i parked it, go out and try and switch them off, and they wont!!!


Played around with the switch and the stalk switch, they went off, and acted as tho nothing was wrong, so kinda put it down to funny niggle, 10 mins later, they have turned themselfs back on! WTF??!?


Whats broke, and how much!


Oh and now i have flatt batt 2 top it off . . . :mad:

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Light switch is probably screwed.. when mine broke it kinda did the same thing - pretended it was off but then about 20 seconds later it would twang back into the sidelights on position!


Make sure you are sitting down but...... around £53 from the stealer, but about a 1 minute job to swap it out and replace it.


Failing that someone has put together a repair guide on here.. hit the search :)

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Need a second job at this rate . . .


but the switch clicks as normal, and is off when the lights are on? it feels all ok, smooth as normal, or insides just buggered?


I one of Gavins looms fitted, could anything be wrong there?

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Hm.. well then i'm not sure. I thought the lightswitch was just clicking itself back on but that doesnt appear to be the case.


I might let someone else help diagnose this as i'm not too sure ;)

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Right - up date,


Took the switch out, and the lights were still on!!! i took the fuses out of gavins loom and they went off, so im lost!


But least lights are off now, problem now is the alarm wont stop going off, beacuse the batt is flatt, and mums got my charger!! :(

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Could be a snag with one of the relays sticking on. Rare but it has happened once or twice previously.


Try reverting back to the std wiring for a day or two to prove the switch. If thats not it I'll sort you out with a couple of relays or whatever is required to fix things up.


Sorry I didn't see this earlier, got BB and using firefox so it looks like I am always on the forum. Let me know how it goes.


Assuming your battery isn't dead flat and the alarm switches off, bump it and drive around to charge it up.



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Ah cheers fella, Yea will pull connectors off, think it is, cos pulled the head light switch off and they were still on, only when the fuses were taken out they went off, got a charger now and plugged it all back together, and all seems ok!?! LOL


Dont worry bout relays, i can get em here, but will need 2 know what ones they are! so if it is buggered i will let ya know mate!


Someone up there doenst want me to have headlights im sure of it, or a corrado sometimes!!



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Its the dipped relay im sure, seems to 'warm up' and then switch on after 5-10 mins, this what relays would do?


when i pull the dip fuse on the loom, they go off


Can i try swaping the relays round, they the same relay?

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LMAO, no, sorted it now, when i fitted the uprated loom, didnt position it 2 well, and got a good soaking in the rain, and has shagged up one of the relays!


Wondered how long it would take someone to connect the 2!

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