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Help needed - 16v 1993

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Hi guys..

Need a bit of help on this one. A few weeks ago, driving home from work - hit the freeway and suddenly my corrado began to stall (meaning acting like it either didn´t get enough fuel or didn´t ignite properly)...

I turned off the engine. waited one minute and started it again - no problem what so ever - for the next kilometer - then it began again.. Same turning of an on helped it again. Drove home with only 2000 - 2500 rpms. No problem.... A friend of mine helped me tjeck the sparks and timing - nothing wrong. We had a spare fuel pump (new)and changed it... It has now been running with no problems for 2 months. But this morning after 5 minutes of driving (with normal rpms) it acted just like that again. But only once. hit the freeway again (30 min later), and I tested it at high speed and rpms - but no problems. Only with the feeling of lack of power.... Any ideas of what the problem could be ?

I hope it is not the fuel pump again (a bit expensive)... Pls Help...

Even though it is good for my fuel consumption - it is just not as fun driving with a little over ideal rpms.... (sorry it my spelling is not correct)






Når man nu ikke kan køre på CBR om vinteren

Så skal det være Corrado


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Jan- fuel filter maybe, when was it last changed?


My (Passat) Haynes manual also suggests it could be-Fuel leak, cold start valve faulty, mixture setting incorrect (where applicable) or fuel pump.

Good luck.

Steve :thumb right:

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Jan- fuel filter maybe, when was it last changed?


My (Passat) Haynes manual also suggests it could be-Fuel leak, cold start valve faulty, mixture setting incorrect (where applicable) or fuel pump.

Good luck.

Steve :thumb right:


Hi - we looked at the filter as well - nothing to see - no dirt or items could prevent fuel flow.. And as written just changed the pump.

My fuel consumption is about 9 liters per 100 kilometer (average) (1,98 Gallons per 62,137 miles).

Just had the car serviced one month ago - thought they checked the valves.

What can I do to isolate the problem - I can´t see the funny about overtaking someone - and the car begins to stall - with other cars comming towards you...

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Jan- my next step would be to take your car to a good mechanic as there are safety issues & it needs to be sorted before something nasty happens. Maybe change the fuel filter just in case.

If the problems started after it was serviced perhaps the garage messed something up-possibly mixture?

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Maybe change the fuel filter just in case.


ALWAYS change the fuel filter when fitting a new pump!


I will do that first thing next week. But can that really be the only thing causing the problem, I mean when the car ran without any problems for 2 months after changing the pump? Can´t it be some sort of ignition timing problem?

I just think it is wierd that the problem re occours after this period. But I will surely test it again tomorrow morning. But I guess the problem is not solved - and perhaps only will get worse...

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if the fuel filter is clogged up then it WILL cause running problems similar to those you describe...


You may also want to take off the distributor cap and rotor arm and check that there's no oil inside the metal body of the distributor. If there is, then you'll need a new one.

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if the fuel filter is clogged up then it WILL cause running problems similar to those you describe....


Okay - Will try and change the filter also.... Hope it solves the problem.. But this Morning driving to work - nothing wron. Drowe with driving revs and opened the throttle when I hit the freeway.

But today I ran the engine while deicing the windows. Could that be the detail that changed the way it behaved from the other morning ? This filter is located further in the center of the car than the pump - right (not used to fidlle so much with the fuel)...




You may also want to take off the distributor cap and rotor arm and check that there's no oil inside the metal body of the distributor. If there is, then you'll need a new one


Checked that also - but it seems okay - no oil or to much dirt. The contact is also still there. Eventhough it could also need a change...


What about the pressure regulator?


Really appriciate the help guys.... :D

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