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Louie Lungbubble


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Ok chaps, could do with a quick bit of advice here if poss.

The missus has just had a prang in some multi storey car park.

Apparently she and this other woman were simultaniously reversing out of opposite parking spaces..... you can probably fill in the gaps yourself!


From what I gather over the phone, neither of them saw the other until it was too late, so I told her to suggest the old "Knock for knock" scenario.


Just wondering if this would be what the insurance people normally go for in such situations, or do they try to acertain fault?



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I would be inclined to say: admit to nothing, leave it to the insurance companies to sort out based on the driver's statements and expect 50:50 blame.


Bit of a pisser though. Hope you get it sorted a.s.a.p.

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Agreed, never admit anything to Insurance company just be honest about the facts but put anything else in.


My brother had an accident in his car (wasnt his fault) and has taken months to get round to a suitable end. Hope your goes a lot faster

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Cheers lads.


My missus got a phone photo of the other car's damage.

Poxy 3" dint with no paint broken on the rear quarter.

Any (very rough) ideas on price for getting such a thing popped out if it comes to it?



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