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Infinity Basslink Connections

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Why is nothing ever simple.

So I bought one, it arrived yesterday.

Today I thought I'd start to fit it.


My head unit has 4 RCA outputs but the Free Connection Kit only contains one RCA cable pair. The way I read the instruction manual I need to connect all four of the head unit RCA outputs, so guess I need to buy another cable.


Can anyone whose fitted one of these basslinks confirm that for me please as I don't want to power it up without being sure?


And of course the damn car's in bits now isn't it. Rats.

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nah, you don't NEED to connect all 4 inputs... The only thing that will happen is that when you fade the stereo to either front or rear (depending on how you've got it wired) you'll get more/less bass from the Basslink... 8)


You can happily power it up with NO RCA cables connected without fear of any damage... it won't do anything if you do that, but it can't damage it if there's nothing connected! ;) :lol: 8)

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Cheers Henny

Ho Ho Ho

Sarcasm is the ...........

Ok, but think the inst manual could make that clear - the suggestion is that if you have 4 o/ps then they should all be connected.

But I see what you are saying re the fader, but since I've already set that for my car (like everyone I guess) then adjusting the basslink fixed controls should be all that's needed. Might try swapping the leads afterwards to see if it makes any difference.

But thanks for that; you just never know till you ask do you.

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Thanks Tattie & Henny.

Fitted the beast over the w/e after reading previous threads on 'how to'. Fixed it upright to a bit of 4mm mdf and velcro'd to the carpet so easy to remove if I need the space. No signs of it moving after giving it some vigorous testing late last night, so pleased with that.


I'm running a Kenwood KRC 779R (47wx4 max) with CD changer, Focal 130A in doors with crossovers and tweeters in dash, and Kenwood PSR467 in back. I used to think that was pretty good till I added this, I'm very impressed with the difference it has made to the sound, really fills it in nicely - without having to distort the body panels lol.

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Glad you like it Chris,


another successful convert!


Did you fit the fader control they provided in the end or did you just use the built in fader on your head unit?

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Hi guys, not been here for a few days.

Yep. I think it's great.

Tried it without the remote first off but found I was getting too much variation from different sources so fitted it later as its a pita resetting the head fader all the time and using their remote is real easy. Just a temp fit right now, still have to run the cable under the centre console.

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Not sure where Chris got his from but I can strongly reccomend getting it from Car Audio Security...


http://caraudiosecurity.com/catalog/pro ... ts_id+1538


Got my replacement one from here when the one in my Corrado packed up (lasted 3 years after I had a dig through my folder and found the reciept for it) - just happened to decide to reorder mine on the day they had a sale, but normal price of £144 is a bargain - you'll struggle to find it anywhere else cheaper! :)

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Yep, that's the place. Ordered on line and it arrived the day after next.


Howdy Jim, though it was 3 yrs old did you have to pay for it or were you lucky enough to get "that shouldn't have happened Sir, please have a new one with our compliments"?


Oh, sorry, Carling don't make these do they LOL


Anyway, how you keeping mate?

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I didnt even try and ask for a free replacement.. I thought at 3 years it'd had a good innings. And as I got a new one for £120'ish quid (they had a sale on at the time) I just grinned and coughed up the cash.


I'm doing ok mate.. hope you're keepin ok :)

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