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water leak

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Having a bit of a problem, I’ve done all the head work and put everything back together got the timing sorted and replaced all the bits on my 1.8 16V.


I now have water leaking out the overflow bottle after 5-10 mins of idle running now I may have overfilled it at first to compensate for air locks etc but started it 3 times now on different occasions and each time it leaks? I checked the temp and it seems to happen as the water reaches 70-80 degrees its not boiling over just leaking out the overflow.


A couple of things I think it could be

- Cars been sitting for 6 months solid & oil was in the rad from previous leak may have caused obstruction, I did flush it 3-4 times however with rad flush before leaving it up.

- Water pump may have same problem or may be shot

- Some electric problem with pump or rad?

- I replaced all water pipes with samcos so a blocked pipe is unlikely, although the solid metal water pipe may be clogged?

- May still be air lock in the system?


Any idea on other probable causes for this would be appreciated.

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Run it up to temp with the cap off, squeeze pipes to work any trapped air out...


Did you replace the stat? - maybe its got clogged with oil, even if its a new one...

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I was thinking about the thermostat alright how would that cause the problem? The water doesn’t appear to be boiling over? Ill be looking at it in more detail tomorrow & ill give it a work over for any trapped air im thinking it should have all come out at this stage though.

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Not sure where the stat is on a 16V but you want to run her up to operating temp and see which hoses are hot and which are cold, you would expect all hoses to be warm before it starts boiling over if the stat is working, if its not you may find one of the hoses to remain cold - most likely the bottom rad hose to the water pump/ thermostat housing...

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The water thermostat is down near the water pump I remember distinctly taking it out and putting it in boiling water when I had it to make sure it opened up. It was closing fine also Im just hoping I put in back correctly, Ill be checking the temp of the pipes for sure. Ive got a good concentration of coolant in the water also which might be keeping the temp low causing the stat to remain closed.

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Ive got a good concentration of coolant in the water also which might be keeping the temp low causing the stat to remain closed.


Errr, water is the best coolant so if you have more G12+ that water then it will run hotter if anything. The coolant additive is there to stop corrosion and prevent the water freezing over winter.

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Was looking at it yesterday, cant figure out what’s causing the problem. I checked all the pipes and they all seem to get warm. Checked the internal fan in the car, it could be better but its not too bad. I got a hose and put water up into the pipe leading to the internal rad and it ran out fine no blockage.


I took out the water pump and stat, the pump looked ok as did the stat, I tried it again in hot water and it seemed to open fine could have closed a bit better tho. I’m going to replace both pump and stat this week and hopefully that will solve things. I’m just hoping the rad is not phucked. I’m not keen on buying a new rad on the chance that it MIGHT be the problem,


Can anyone tell me what way the water circulates in the 16Vs, what direction and sequence does it circulate?

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I have had a problem similar to this one, it was caused by a defective over-flow cap. I would first try replacing / pressure testing the over-flow cap and see what you come up with. If you have air pockets in the cooling system you can get hot spots which can cause boiling of the coolant so it is important to get all of the air out. The thermostat will cause you problems when the car is up to full running temps but it soulds like your problem is happening when pressure is building. If the cap is releasing pressure to easily you will get coolant coming out of the tank even thought the car is abrely warm. That's my guess.


Cheers, Dennis

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im also havin over flow problems on my car, on;ly just started happening, as above the water will come from the expansion tank even when the car has only been running for 20 mins.Will replace my cap tomorrow....if its not that could it be the stat stuck open? friend s have scared me with talk of cylinder head gasket gone!!

Ps: whers the bast place to buy an uprated charger?


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Cheers Dennis one of the lads over here had that same problem with his 16V mrk 2. Thinking back I remember the cap was off quite a bit and I may have lost the O ring.


Im just wondering how the overflow bottle works cus there seems to be a hole in it at the back for water to pour out when the level rises too much if its supposed to be sealed how does this work? My water doesn’t come out the cap just this overflow hole.


Ill be getting a new cap for sure anyhow.

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where can i get a cap on the net? im in cornwall... on a bank holliday... might as well be on bloody mars!!

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Yeah more and more people are coming back to me saying this could be the problem. Ill be ordering both pump + stat as well this week just in case, might as well since I have them off.


Its very easy for this seal to get damaged if the car was boiling over at any stage, I had trouble with BOILING water in the past before I got the headwork done which lead to the seal getting damaged and subsequently lost..


Hopfully my problems will be solved by the weekend.

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fingers crossed for everyone...but hey still havin fun in my mk1 16v.forgothow much fun it was.

pizza anyone???

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