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Bad Running Stage 4 G60

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Hey guys heres the deal


Went ordering crazy at BBM and got just about everything for my G60. Stage 4 kit, rebuilt charger, rsr, intake porting, you know the works on the charger.


So Sat morn I went down to get the car smogged (stock). It passed with flying colors. Drove home and began the install.


Got everything buttoned up sunday, and fired her up. It idles really bad, but sounds alright 2000rpm. This is after extensive timing double and quadruple checking. I put her on the road, and there is no power. I would describe it as 50hp.


It almost sounds like a plugged cat, but not sure. I am suspiciouse of vacume lines and ground wires.


I have yet to hook up my boost gauge.


I also have the 268/260 cam, as comes with the kit, with an adjustable gear on it. Does any one know what to set it at? I currently have it at zero.


Any Ideas what to do??


Please help



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Maybe something with ignition?? After changing cam (removing the main belt) you should adjust teh ignition angle (i dont know how its caled in english..). And with sport cam idle is usualy higher ~ 1000- 1200 rpm

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Sounds like your timing is out.Set you adj pulley to zero position first and then line up the marks on the pulley. Make sure the engine is at TDC.

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The adjustable cam gear is at 0, and it is perfectly timed at tdc. I am verifying tdc in three locations, the cam gear position, the flywheel position, and the cap/rotor asembly (pointing to the #1 position). I assure you it is timed correctly unless this cam requires some degreeing. What should I adjust the cam gear to?

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Hey guys,


thanks for the help. i got it running. i retarded the cam gear all the way, 7 degrees, and sure enough everthything ran great, meaning I was one tooth off. Switched the tooth back, and reset the gear to 0, and wahlah.


Thanks again guys



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Glad to hear it got worked out man. Are you on anymore forums by any chance? norcalcorrado.com? sfbavw.com? norcalvw.com?

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The only other forum I am on thus far is vwvortex.com, but Ill probably be adding the othrs soon.



Just for the hec of it, I retarded my cam another 4 degrees yesterday. It ran better. So I tried 7, better again. I swithed the tooth over and that is how it is now. I now know that a g60 will run both 2 and 1 tooth off, but not 3.


I don't really understand, but according to the book (aka The big yellow book of information that can't be found), my cam is timed incorrectly. I dont know how I could have had it off by 2 teeth. Maybe my cam gear is made differently? I dont know. It did come two bolts off on its hub (It was fun triing to figure out what was wrong, but it did run, badly, at 120 degrees off. I got it from BW directly ( I picked it up) and believe it is a Eurospec, it looks just like the one on their site. I don't know how, but I figured it out, and it runs great.


Thanks Again for all the help

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