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Anyone know any German?

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Wonder if anyone could give me a hand with this!


I have bought a few bits for the car over German Ebay and they haven't shown up yet, even though they were bought over a month ago!!


I want to send the guy an email just basically asking if the parts have been posted yet, or if there is some problem with the payment or the parts?


I have pretty much zero German (other than being able to count to twelve :roll: ) I've tried using the babelfish language converter, but I could have ended up asking him about goldfish for all I know :) :roll:



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Babelfish isn't particularly accurate, however it is good enough for the other party to understand what you are on about!


Just try to keep it to simple words and sentences.

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You could PM Tempest and ask very nicely.. he speaks fluent German, and is usually happy to help out forum members where he has the time to :)

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Happy to help if needed. Just PM the message to me in English, and I'll send it back to you in German for onward transmission.


mit freundlichen Gruessen



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basically asking if the parts have been posted yet, or if there is some problem with the payment or the parts?


Try this:


"Hallo (insert name here),


haben Sie die von mir neulich bei Ihrer Ebay-Auktion ersteigerten Teile bereits verschickt, oder gab es irgendwelche Probleme bei der Geldüberweisung?


Bitte um Rückantwort.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen,




That's the formal method, if you wish to use the more friendly/less formal method:


"Hallo (insert name here),


hast Du die von mir neulich bei Deiner Ebay-Auktion ersteigerten Teile bereits verschickt, oder gab es irgendwelche Probleme bei der Geldüberweisung?


Bitte um Rückantwort.


Mit freundlichen Grüssen,







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Great......thanks lads, that should do perfectly :thumb right:


Thanks for the offer of the translation Roger :wink: :D

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