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Supercharged Junkie

Starter motor woes

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Think i know now Ant feels now, Fix one thing on the car and something else breaks :cry: ,Anyhow enough of my moaning! is there a special way to get the lower bolt holding the starter motor on. Because i tried for about 45mins to get the bugger in and it would bite then let go everytime. It feels like the bolt is threaded but the thread doesn`t look too bad, could it be the nut at the other end, if so now the hell am my gonna replace that ?

Any ideas guys ? At the mo got the top bolt holding it on, which seems to work ok so far :-(

Also anyone know the correct torque settings for the bolts, did the top one upto 20nm!




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Ian. i will put money on it being cross threaded. what you need to do is remove the whole front engine mount bracket and the re-tap the threads in to it for the starter mother mounting bolts i wouldn't recomend leaving the starter holding of one bolt.

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I assume you've raised the engine with a trolley jack whilst refitting the lower bolt? When I did my starter motor on my G60 last summer (had to do it 3 times, as the initial replacement unit from my local scrappie failed after less than 3 months, I then tried my self-reconditioned original one, which failed immediately, ultimately I had to bite the bullet and get a new one; hence the 3 time fitment :lol:).


If you don't sufficiently raise the engine you will never get the holes between the starter motor and the engine mount bracket (which contains the mating thread) to line up, and if these aren't 100% lined up, you will never get that bolt in, it'll only bite then come out again.


I've been there, swore my head off, once had the car fall off the trolley jack in anger (but that did finally align the blasted bolt and mating thread in engine mount bracket), so to summarise, it ain't easy, a fiddly annoying job for what could have been a 5 minute job.



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Oh joy, Yeah still have to get a new starter motor, The one i got from GSF Saturday is for a AUTO which i didn`t realise until i took the old one off :cry:

Think i might just take it to a garage to do, Got an MOT on the Friday :-(

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