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so right or so wrong ? > u decide..

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It is rather morbid. If the grim reaper or those horsemen from Lord or the Rings where to own a Dub then the passat would be thier ride! As for the rocco well that is probably Gollam's ride. How do you pollish mat black? and do those split rims have any rubber on?

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Changed my mind on the paint after seeing this.. quite like the paint now 8)

Still think the owner of the rocco should be :snipersmile: :2gunfire: though...... :lol:

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Ah now... that's totally different. I like the paint on that (cars not bad either!!) just don't like all the tarting about with tassels and crosses on the other.

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the dudes got cohones and i realy dig the matt black look dont know if i'd have the guts myself but the guys really got a strong looker goin on so i wont criticise dont get the tassles though thats a stange touch?

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