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JVC Memory Loss

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My G/F has a JVC KD-SHX700 H/U and it works fine most of the time.

BUT every once and a while it will loose all of the presets in the memory. This happens 2-3 times a week just from normal usage but also does it everytime you take the face off with the unit running.

My H/U Sony CDX-F7700 is wired up in the exact same way red = ign +/Yellow = perm live/black = earth and runs fine and never loses the memory.

The cars battery is fine and the charge system is good but I cant think what the problem is.

Anybody else have this H/U and/or problems.


Cheers J

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i'd re wire using a different perm liveand earth point, it can only lose this if these wires are poor unless the h/u is at fault

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