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Alloy wheels look like new!

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After cleaning my car and getting more frustrated at not being able to get my wheels looking pristine I thought hmm I wonder if my wife has something good in her cleaning collection. Out came some Cillit Bang, yes I've seen the advert and thought boll*cks but believe me after spraying on liberally and leaving it for no more than 20-30 seconds I hosed it off and WOW brand new alloys thank you very much!


Unless you are willing to constantly wash off the grime and brake dust the build up can literally weld itself to the wheel, I've tried lots of auto products (most being expensive) and none come close to this stuff.


I wouldn't recommend leaving it on for more than 30 seconds as it has acidic properties and don't worry if your wheels have been powder coated because mine have and no damage occured.


If you do try this please try a small area first just in case :)

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I'd perhaps try the stuff on my knackered old speedo's but there's not a chance in hell that this stuff would go within 4 miles of the RH's.


I guess used extremely sparingly and very occasionally, it probably does a good job.


Not too sure what results you would get in the long term though ...

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