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bigpants baby

Rolled vr6 advice

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Just bought a vr engine from a rolled car,is there anything i need to do prior to putting in a car & firing it up?

(bearing in mind that oil was coming out of the thottle body & all the sediment in the oil will be around the engine)

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I would think clean the throttle body and the breather tubes out. Assume you will re-use your maf etc. The rest should burn away very quickly if theres any in the chambers ? I;m no expert though


Whats the mileage though, as if its done 100k+ it would be a lot lot easier doing the chains and tensioner out of the car me thinks & clutch etc ?

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do you know how long it was running while upside down? Engines have a nasty habbit of eating crank shells if they're run upside down 'cos the oil pump runs dry... :|


Probably worth taking the sump off and having a look at a couple of shells to make sure they're OK before firing it up....

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