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K1 PVW / KIP VW Do you use this forum?

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Does anyone know KIP VW's user name on this, or KIP, if u r browing this right now, PM me please, as i wanna ask you something about what we were discussing at Malvern the other w/e. Thanx. Del.

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Hello del,

Had a text telling me you were after some info.


So thought it was about time i got registered.


What can i help you with then?

Having difficulty working out the PM option due to my extensive pc skills.

Yeah right!


So send me a message to, mailto:[email protected].




Paul(kip)kippax :wink:

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How about that for power of the forum!


Mention a reg. number and they sign up!


Calling 'AND 1', £50 cash waiting for your reg. number.... ;)

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Well guys and the few girls, I felt I was missing out on all the banter going on so didn't really have a choice.


Only problem is finding how it all works! :roll:



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Hello ian,

A little bird told me you were on here a little, & yep rich is still coming along when he's free.


Hows jenny then? aint seen you both for ages, think it was tatton 2003 or something, any way are you going up to the national day? will see you ther if so.

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We are both fine mate--i have to work one weekend in three and last year most shows were on my weekend :?

We will be at E38 and the National Day though so we can catch up there :D

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Hi Paul, welcome aboard.


Well, you've already met some Forum-only folk at BVF :-)


Be sure to regularly look in the Events section for meets :-)




Tempest (Eric)

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blimey Paul, it took this thread to get you on the forum!... and you've only got one of the sweetest Corrados i've ever laid my eyes on!


Good to have you on board!


I guess this means you're gonna have to spend a tiny bit less time keeping the motor and shiny as it is, to sit on the internet talking to us lot!

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Where do I send the invoice to m8 for yesterday's work? :-)

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RW1, i want to say something funny and witty to answer you, but i cant think of anything! But thanks for hooking me up! Nice one. 8)

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