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heater speed control

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Use the search m8, but this is usually caused by the by the thermal resistor which is part of the assembly on the blower motor. All you have to do is replace the resistor. Have a search for "thermal resistor"



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you could have the knobs on wrong as they have different cut-outs and putting the wrong one on the speed control results in only speed 4 working - check the obvious before disassembling......i've done this before and thought it was a resistor or something :(

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Could be the copper connecter behind is buggered, mine wasnt working at all and i changed that and now it works ok, apart from on 2, but better than nothing!!

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H8RRA i can't belive this actually works, i took them off and couldn't see a differene on the back, gave it a try anyway and it worked Brilliant! its not often things get fixed that easily

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