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Chris VR6nos

World Rally Championship on TV

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My god!

it's 2:24am and i'm watching the WRC after fighting with the neighbours, a bit of fisty cuffs of an evening never did anyone any harm, or did it!


Anyway, i watched an Impreza go over a crest and fly in the air but this one went wrong and the back end came right up in the air and landed on it's nose at a hell of a degree, like 45degree nose down at over 100mph!

Never seen anything like that before, what a fright he must have had and will remember for the rest of his life!


114mph and Granholm launched over a large crest, Tino the co-driver damaged his back on the landing of a large jump and had to receive treatement which damaged the rest of the days times.


Did anyone else see this amazing event?




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Yeah I was watching that last night too... All because he had no spoiler! It was quite funny seeing all the co-drivers getting winded after going over that jump and not being able to speak! :lol:

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That was one scary moment for Solberg ! Who said those stupid looking ironing board type spoilers dont do anything.Seeing these cars in full chat is a sight to behold,Went to Sweden to watch the wrc this year,totally amazing.The best action is on Tarmac such as wrc Germany in two weeks time,these guys do 140mph plus down lanes with the hedges clipping the wingmirrors. If anyone wants to go and watch these rallys i can recomend a very good travel company called http://www.rallytravel.com take a look at there site, prices are good to although you do have to get your own flights.

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