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im trying to sort out my central locking for my car as i am having an alarm fitted but the fitter has said that he cant install it till i have sorted the locking out!


now 1st of all my central locking was fine when i first bought the car......


then my drivers door handle snapped when i lived in the middle east so i replaced it and i started getting funny issues with the central locking.


at first you could lock the car ok with this new door handle but then it would sometimes lock hte car and then unlock it after about 15secs! after that putting the key in the lock on the drivers side only locked the drivers side with no noise or anything coming from the pump!


however i could still lock the car from the passenger side and the central locking worked.


now that the passenger handle has snapped as well i have replaced this with a passat rear handle so i can no longer lock hte car from there either so i now have no central locking at all!


this is the wierd bit now......... if i take the door card off the drivers side and unplug the multiplug for the central locking, then go round individually locking all the locks including the fuel cap, when i plug the multi plug back in on the drivers door the cenral locking pump spins and opens all the doors!!!


although this happens it doesnt solve my problem and im now a bit stuck with where to go next.


you help will be very much appreciated and beers will be in order at the next meet for whoever has the solution!



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When you replaced the handles, did you take the door card off and plug the wire in that connects the handle into the CL loop? Also, when you've got the door card off - check that the vacuum hose is connected to the actuator. The hose was orange in mine, and pretty easy to locate. The actuator is on the right hand side of the door as you look at it from the interior up against the edge where the mech is. It's a bit fiddly getting the hose into the actuator - but you'll know when it's in there.


Check both sides as you've had both handles replace. Note that the passat handles don't have the central locking wire... HTH



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yes i did take the door card off and re-conect the plug that goes into the CL loop.


just sorted it now anyway...... i currently have no internal panels left in the car after checking the vacuum tubing between each actuator and in the end i had a hunch about the driver door handle........


found the old one that i have luckily kept and plugged that in, turend the key and hey presto the central locking worked!! :D


monekeys at the dealer had obviously given me the wrong bloody door handle in the 1st place!!!!

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Neat, glad you got it sorted. Not sure what handle they've given you if it drives the CL system potty - worth getting a refund though as I'm betting it was far from cheap!


No go drink beer and enjoy your weekend safe in the knowledge that's one less thing to worry about :lol:

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i will be having copious amonts of beer randal dont you worry! ;)


i cant get a refund cos i bought it in about 1998ish and its a bit far to go to Dubai Volkswagen with the recipt! :D

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