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Quick question about pistons

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Should there be any sideways movement in the piston once it's in the block? I mean, if you jiggle the piston - should there be any play? I'd expect a tiny amount - else it'd wear like hell. Anyone got the official stance for me?


Thanks :D

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There's always some when cold,if i'm not mistaken you should be able to insert a 15mm feeler blade down the side of the piston skirt and block but not higher than 15mm.

By sideways i take it that you mean thrust side?,at right angle to crankshaft.

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OK cool, looks like I'm OK then. There is a very small amount of play, I think 1.5mm (I guess you mean 1.5mm ;) ) is about right. By sideways I just meant putting two fingers on the top of the piston and moving it from side to side.


Thanks for the reply, was getting worried I'd have to replace the rings @ 30 quid X 4 from the stealer :roll:

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Ouch :( It's criminal what VW charge for piston rings, considering it's just a circle of metal! I was specing out the price for my head rebuild too, everything X4 and I was crying - poor X6 VR people!! :(

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considering it's just a circle of metal!



:roll: :roll: :roll:


If you've just taken the head off then any movement in the pistons will be minimal and should be within tollerance, unless your smoking or rattling away like a goodun. Cast and forged pistons vary in their expansion so the clearance will vary depending on what type of pistons you've got.


If everythings apart, then measure the bores diameter all the way round and at several heights and then the pistons properly and refer to the correct data sheet for your engine. Theres no way to tell just by rocking the pistons.

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OK, I'll get some decent gauges and the trusty ruler out in the week and double check.


I still maintain a piston ring is a circle of metal :p :lol: Granted, a crucial circle of metal which is bloody expensive...

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