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Petrol Boycott,

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We sell fuel at work (we are just a privately owned garrage) and our's cost's 102.9 for diesel and 99p a litre for unleaded :shock: .I have noticed that around where i live there are less and less BP and Esso petrol station's and more and more tesco and sainsbury's petrol station's ,i was told by the tanker driver who deliver's fuel to us that this it because BP and esso who supply the fuel at the refineries can make more money by selling it wholesale to the supermarket's that's why they are all closing.The only thing that youre going to do by going to the supermaket petrol station's is help them on their way to wipe out all other supplier's of fuel until the supermarket's have got the monopoly on fuel!!

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Exactley, as much as I agree with the cause of pro actively doing something about this issue, the statement about boycotting the petrol statioons is seriously flawed. I do think Labour are pretty bad particularly tho, they've raised taxes in total something ridiculous like 70+

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Nice Idea, but these companies supply more that just petrol, you'd need to boycott the whole product range to make it work. Any think Petrochemical basically.

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TBH I think it simply comes down to "pay the price and stop your fecking whinging".

Yes I agree it is ridiculous now and it's gonna get a whole lot more ridiculous, not that long ago smokers were saying they would quit when cigarettes got to £5 !!


If you don't like paying your taxes then go on the rock & roll or f*ck off to some third world dump.

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If the base price comes down the the tax will too, but the tax is the major problem, so protests need to focused around the city in london, the stock market is the heart of the country, bring that to a standstill and you get attention. Also stopping parliament sitting etc. Blocking tanker deliverys etc wont work and someone will get hurt.

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personally i'd start by clamping all the Politicians cars an make them jump on the bus, wonder how they feel about traveling on public transport in london and the possiblity of getting blown up!!

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TBH I think it simply comes down to "pay the price and stop your fecking whinging".

Yes I agree it is ridiculous now and it's gonna get a whole lot more ridiculous, not that long ago smokers were saying they would quit when cigarettes got to £5 !!


If you don't like paying your taxes then go on the rock & roll or f*ck off to some third world dump.



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"pay the price and stop your fecking whinging".

Brilliant, LOL.

I think some of those politicians would prob shi* there pants if they had to get on the buses with some of the scum bags in london.

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What makes me laugh is yeah, the Americans have cheap fuel (most of it shite btw) but they also have huge payouts due to privatisation and they have to put up with a baboon for a country leader.


You may have to wait some time to get a hip replacement with the NHS, but it won't cost you £20,000. The Americans are known for "great white teeth", but it costs them big $$$ for the inane Donny Osmond grin.


Believe me if you lived the same life you had now, same car, same house, same lifestyle, and you had to pay through the nose for everything, you would be f*cked. Yeah taxes p*ss us all off but don't be so ignorant thinking your getting nothing for your money.


Dispose of you own rubbish, clean and maintain your own roads, police your own streets, teach your children yourself, take all the needy into your own home, replace your own hip! The list is endless.


You pay a lot of tax, so what? You live in one of the best countries in the world, you don't have to do anything to live, its done for you, like I said if you find this unacceptable then there are plenty of countries in Africa who won't charge you a penny to live.



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I think we do live in one of the best countries in the world, people often forget, London is an amazing city, but I would say there are probably half a dozen or so with a higher standard of living then us, now that doesn't necessarily mean Im going to pack my bags right now.

People always tend to be nostalgic about the past, you know "the good old days."

The main issue that I am sensing tho, is not the amount we get tax'd people are happy to pay high tax for a high standard, but people often feel they have been ripped off a little and there is a "can do better" feeling towards the government.

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Things can always be better, humans will always want better. I see this as a good thing, to strive for something is what keeps us interested. Lose this and you will have complete collapse. This is how we evolve, if we were content things would never improve. Although saying this I have just realised why complaining is also needed. :lol:


Paradise will never happen on this earth, enjoy what there is, be grateful we're not living in the dark age.


:lol: Half a dozen or so!! Yeah and hundreds with lower.

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God yea, like the medievel times, I'm just grateful that Im fit and healthy to be honest!

I don't want much out of life, well, except a mansion and about 100 acres, not much then, LOL.

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TBH I think it simply comes down to "pay the price and stop your fecking whinging".

Yes I agree it is ridiculous now and it's gonna get a whole lot more ridiculous, not that long ago smokers were saying they would quit when cigarettes got to £5 !!


If you don't like paying your taxes then go on the rock & roll or f*ck off to some third world dump.




Agreed too!! I think some people just like to have something to whinge about. I need my car and it has to have fuel to run (obviously) so I have to pay whatever price it is.

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