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Electrical Noise

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Hi *,


Firstly sorry if this is the wrong section - feel free to move if that be the case.


I have finally looked at the C vr6 that i am to buy and was really happy with.


There is one thing that myself and the current owner were not sure of.


When the ignition is at stage 1 (power before firing) there is a whiring electrical noise in the engine bay (almost like a small fan??) - it appears to come from the small black plastic cylinder which has a number of small wires sprouting out - it is top centre behind the engine itself.


Is this normal? Other then a few other little bits, everything seemed good and dandy.




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Cheers StormVR6 - I had an idea it may be ok as i did not sound like anything shorting or cracking. I can go back to kip now :thumbleft:

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