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Oh bugger bugger bugger!!! Think i've been done

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Just had an excellent day at the Fox public house in Patching just off the A27 near Arundel with the Sussex VW Club.


On the way back however had a little bit of fun with a very fast little G40. We were probably doing 130 mph in parts!!! When i was stopped at a roundabout in a que of traffic a marked up Citroen van raced up along side. The sort that have a window on the side for the cameras to peep through - the copper was scribbling down on a bit of paper perhaps noting it was a male driving? The traffic started moving and he followed me for a good 20 mins (me keeping to the speed limit). I evetually turned off and he continued. He didn't stop me.


To be honest he may have been up the back of me when i was going fast. I was having so much fun i didn't notice. Ha ha poop poop


So there you have my little storey. Any advice guys - as i'm now very confused. Can i get done by this angry looking police white van man?

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gutted, i thought that i had been done about two months ago. still havent heard anything so fingers crossed. i dont think he can just do you like that, i thought he would have to get photographic evidence. anyway just hope and pray like me

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couldve been a member of the SCC (secret corrado club)

taking pictures for a huge archive

or it couldve been a cun*ing coper

well at the end of the day if you were caught doing 130mph theres not much you can do to get out of it..SORRY!

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A lot of hope and a lot of praying this end too or its selling time for the C if my license is takewn away! Its just too much damn fun. Its such a damn good car - i've already got 6 points - i just can help myself!!!


If there is anyone who is really clued up on police proceedures etc. on where i may stand on this one as its not simple - the guy didn't pull me over. I thought he was following me until a proper back up car could meet and for them to pull me over??

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It's unl;ikely you'll be prosecuted as if it was a camera van that sits at the side of the road then they have to be stationary to get a reading. It wouldn't be a traffic car as they are high performance vehicles such as Volvo T5's or similar but not vans so therefore unlikely to have teh sort of video equipment to be able to use as evidence. And traffic or any other sort of police vehicle would [ull you over and issue you with either a fixed penalty or have to issue a notice of intended prosecution!


If they didn't stop you, its not definate you got away with it but more than likely!


Just use it as a bit of a warning

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didnt realise polo's could do 130.


i'm sure you will be fine though.


Some can do in excess of that of that, mine runs out of gears at about a genuine 145, on trackdays only of course :wink:


A police vechicle has to follow you and keep you in vision, or a cameras vision whist they are persuing you to have any evidence. I can confirm that that van only had one officer (one officer = your word vs. theirs) in it and was not in vision from when it was passed to when you came to a holt as I was out for a plesent drive this afternoon along that road.

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Cheers for the encouraging words guys.


Thank you for the excellent pdf file Mr veeDuB_Rado - i'm clueing myself up now to some how wangle my way out if needed.


didnt realise polo's could do 130.


beavis's little nutter G40 is a more than capable apponent. My C is standard apart from the exhaust and BMC but it is still fast and to see beavis's polo in front and me not gaining was a joy to behold (even though he hasn't got a glove box...and dashboard....and other stuff to make it look like a normal car. No offense beavis, just having a laugh.


My only worry is this - a guy with a camera is stationary. He doesn't need to stop you and let you know, you just get a crappy letter in the post. Why would he pull up along side looking angry, writing stuff down and then follow me for a good 10 miles? He was really up my back side on roundabouts almost hitting me on the offside taking a much tighter corner as if he was trying to force me to speed.


As beavis says if there is no camera evidence (god i hope there isn't) its his word against mine so if i go to court i won't deny being there but state that i was doing the speed limit.


Just use it as a bit of a warning


Yes - that's the end of that malarky, sorry beavis, but if your there next year and i've still got my license oh and my C i will be leaving well before or after you leave let me tell you.

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gutted, i thought that i had been done about two months ago. still havent heard anything so fingers crossed. i dont think he can just do you like that, i thought he would have to get photographic evidence. anyway just hope and pray like me


If you haven't heard anything within fourtneen working days you have gotten away with it. By law they have to send out a "notice of intended prosecution" within 14 working days. After than it can be a long time before they take you to court etc.

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