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Hello from the Dutch Motorway / Apres Karmann!!

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For those not in the know, TIMMMAAAAAAA is the new 'prost/cheers' :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking:


pleeeeese can I go to bed now?

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It's been confirmed: A DVD with loads of piccies and clips of the Karmann meet will be winging its way to me in the next few days. I can then produce further copies to distribute amongst those that are interested (primarily the folks that have joined in, I would have thought :-)).


Allegedly the disk does contain uncensored material, gosh, I didn't realise we were that badly behaved.



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Had to lift this piccie from the above website, one of the posters that Schwebe had with him, when he talked about his years at Karmann.


It says on that Corrado-poster:


The first prototype with our long-standing chief experiment engineer, Herbert Exner.


As Chief Construction Engineer:

Longest development time due to constant concept and other changes by VW.


I think that nicely summarises it ;-)



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Been watching it all evolve since you chaps came back. Quality trip, no doubt about that. And pleased to see you had a great time.


One Q though, no photos at Karmann? Museum was OK in the past but factory was a no-no.

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Yeah - no worries with photos in the museum, but cameras had to be left at the gatehouse in the factory :


Worth mentioning that the guy on the left hand side in the prototype picture is Schwebe as well! Well, we didn't confirm that.. but it looked bloody like him! :)

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One Q though, no photos at Karmann? Museum was OK in the past but factory was a no-no.


Jim's already answered that one. I still have to develop my rolls of film, other piccies of the museum can be seen on the links I've posted in earlier postings on this thread. Bear in mind that very much like last year the lighting inside the "private car collection", as Karmann would like us to refer to it, may be sufficient for the human eye, but many a camera falters :-( I can also confirm that they had re-arranged the cars on display. They did already have the 3 Rados on display last year, this year they had added that white 16V GT2 Rocco alongside the Mk1 and Mk2 prototyp by Italdesign (which was rejected by VW). Unfortunately they did not have the Asso di Piche and Quadri prototypes on display this year.



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Belated post, sorry, just lots to do since we got back, but no excuse.


Got to say a very big public thanks to Tempest for doing all the org for this, making it all work, and constantly ensuring we were all OK.

No rest for the whole trip, either navigating, translating for us, or translating for our new German friends. An all round fantastic trip.

Absolutely top man.


:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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They did let us pop the hood on the Scirocco GT2 (I think?) and the Corrado VR6 though.. in fact I lifted the hood on the Corrado after Willi Schwebe had pulled the bonnet release. It was quite amazing to see a virtually BRAND new Corrado VR6 engine bay.. it has probably only done about 20 miles MAX in its entire life, as its been moved around the museum! :)


We got loads of close up pics of the engine bay, etc for you all to see.. again, just trying to find the time to up em all :|

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For those not in the know, TIMMMAAAAAAA is the new 'prost/cheers'


Yes, this is, of course, as we were explained, based on the character from South Park by the same name, Timmy, the chap in the wheelchair. :-) South Park fans in Germany ... :lol:



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Hi guys, hope enjoyed your last meal together in Ipswich and glad you all got home ok, don't forget I want your e'mail addresses so we can all exchange picies 8)



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Hi Sean, good to see you on this "side of the fence", well, I as a Mk1, Mk2 and Mk3 Rocco owner couldn't care less, they're all Roccos, they're all made by Karmann.


Fancy getting Breford's Corrado then, mate?


Will email you later.



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Na you're alright, why do I need a Raddo, I've got the grand daddy and it still cuts the mustard!! though it will be better next year 8)



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I'm glad, that it seems you all arrived home well. It was really funny to meet some of you and I'm looking forward to see you again next year.

BTW: You've got a really huge forum :norty:

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in fact I lifted the hood on the Corrado



Ah but Jim, did you get a butchers at what was in the boot? (mind you 6 years has gone by since I did)



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Hi Sean, and hi Zoran.. nice to see that you found this place :)


Glad you made it back ok Sean.. hope your night in the Hook of Holland passed without incident!


RW1 - you know I didn't even think to look. Was there anything worth seeing out of curiosity?

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@ Zoran: winki1.gif


Welcome on-board of probably Europe's largest Corradoforum :-) Good to see you here, mate :-)


Hope you had a good trip back home as well with Dirk at the wheel hahaha.gif Why not get Dirk across here, too, and we'll all teach him some proper English an218.gif


Any chance of you coming to the UK again sometime?


@ Chris:

did you get a butchers at what was in the boot? (


You wouldn't have left some personal marks on that Rado, now would you ? :lol: We nearly did some Corrado loving, ahem ... 'nuff said :lol:



@ Sean:

I've got the grand daddy and it still cuts the mustard!!


You certainly have :-) Everytime again, I just love the sound of a comparatively rough sounding 70s/80s engine (compared to today's modern rubbish) with mechanical tappets, makes me go wild :-)


Nice piccies, Jim, need more.


I can't believe it's already a week ago.


Anyway, just to keep spirits up, a little cry from Coventry: TIMMMMMEEEEE!! :lol:



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Have to say that MK1 Rocco engine did sound rather peaky! Great noise when accelerating! :)

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RW1 - you know I didn't even think to look. Was there anything worth seeing out of curiosity?


No not really, just teasing a little although it was in the entrance corner when I visited and the boot was full of Karmann souvenirs. Which I sure you got somewhere along the line.

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