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any1 got any funny storys about racing other cars?

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not recently but about 8 years ago when i had my 944 turbo i had some muppet with a bog standard "new" escort 1.6 16v LX(all of 90bhp) challenge me to a race........needless to say he lost........not that i thought he would win :lol:


though i have been mugged this year by a K-reg corrolla(not a GTi either :oops: )when he breezed past me at a set of lights,just as they changed while i was still "handbrake on" and it took me quite a bit to catch up with him :oops: :oops: very embarrassing

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I had an xr2i slide into a field once when i was in my 16v and he had tried following. :lol:


Couldnt help but laugh and he never hit anything so I just had to keep driving. :lol: :twisted: :lol:

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I have one funny for my part, and one not so funny.. funny one was about 2 months into ownership of my Corrado, and I was driving up to the cinema. It was a three lane road.. me in the middle, my mate in his Honda on the right, and then some Fiesta pulls up alongside me in the left lane. Left lane is to go left so it was obvious he was gonna try something.. there were 3 or 4 baseball capped idiots sat in the car.. driver revving, ready to go, and looking over sneering. I just sat there, lights changed and I planted my foot right down on the gas... I heard him try but by the time I had changed into 2nd gear he was already history. Hilarious :)


The not so funny one was me trying to show up some guy in an old shaped, tatty looking Civic. We launched from the lights and he peed all over me.. caught up with him at the next set of lights to see that his tiny little Civic had a 2 litre VTEC engine.. taught me to check the badging before racing people :)

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I had a go on a Sierra Cossie. It looked like it was tuned, but i thought i'd have a go anyway, just incase it was "just" an exhaust he had. He took me to a long straight open piece of dual carriage way and pulled in to the left lane at the first set of traffic lights to let me come up his right. Picture the scene though, there was no looks, revving, pointing by either driver. Nothing to justify a race. Now i'm a young looking guy, i had a bad hair day, so i was wearing my baseball hat. Sitting at the line, you had the feeling of "yeah, were going to race" but because of the way it happened, i also had the "What if he doesn't want to race, i smoke it off the lights, and end up loking like a knob" feeling. So i was going to take it easy at first.


Lights turn green we both roll a bit, BOOM Cossie Goes for it! At this point i didn't think he was going to bother and had the clutch in to go to second, lifted the revs, flicked it back to first.. oh no too much, dropped the clutch BOOM, my cars jumps forward, my phone that was sitting nicely in the dash was now in the back seat, the front end jumping about trying to get grip unsuccesfully, bang woops that was the limiter killing of my revs as i change to second, fall out of any kind of power band and cant stop laughing at myself. Obviously i just gave up....


The Moral? Always attempt a Cossie. At least it'll be fair if he decides to go for it too!!! :lol: I've learned my lesson... :(


Also, Not so funny, i was driving round the back roads like i usually did in my Golf, get stuck behind a corsa in a village. through the village and the corsa kinda goes for it (It was winter and was snowing) so i kept up behind him. i had the feeling he was trying to shake me off, and unfortunalty i think i was proved right as when we came over a hill i slowed down as you do (especially as it was snowing) and noticed there was a drift accross the road up ahead. Naturally i slowed right down for it, as the corsa didnt seem to bother, went right into the cloud of snow, which had left a good solid thick covering of the stuff on the road that he slid on, hit the verge lifted 6ft :shock: clipped the top of a fence flipped over, landed and rolled twice in the field!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I skided to a halt ran over and jumped over the fence just as he managed to get out. Unbelievably at aglance there was only about 3 dents on the car!!!! all cushioned by the enormous amount of snow in the field at the time, and he was completly ok, completely shooken up mind you, but very lucky. i sat him in my car and waited for his parents to come. it was quite surreal. His car was written off though, so it must've been a bit worse under the skin than three dents :shock:


Scary stuff.


The moral? Dont bother with Corsa drivers!!! just keep WELL BACK!!! LOL

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i think the best one i ever had was in my mums P106 I pulled up at a set lights and some idiot pulled up next to me. reving the balls of his car (dont remeber what it was) I had my best mate in the car and the other driver was alone, i said to my mate watch the lights, i was sat stering the other driver out.

my mate said go. i was gone by the time he even relised the lights had changed. LOL

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The one I can remember was,whilst out in the G60 one night(before any mods took place,and with a hole in me i/c)a ratty looking XR2i that had been running around town just looking for trouble,found me.

He came racing up behind me and followed for a good while,so I headed out of town,with him still hard up on my bumper.

Flooring it I started to pull away and the XR2 was painfully trying to keep up,and then all of a sudden just dropped back.I turned around and headed back and saw the fester at the side of the road with its two occupants sitting in it on the phone.Pulled up and was ready to crack wise,but he saw me and got in there first with"I was trying so hard to keep up that I've blown up the oil pump!"with a big grin on his face.I offered him a lift,but his dad was on the way to get them.

"And this is me first car too.Just bought it this afternoon".

I told him to go and demand a refund. :)

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